Fox’s/Mac Farlane’s “Dad’s” – a blight on culture

By: American Decency Staff

Take Action!  Click here to send a message to the sponsors empowering “Dads” – what has been described as the most offensive show of the fall season.

It’s not often I agree with the liberal elite entertainment writers.  It’s also often not often that we see these same writers turn on one of the darlings of Hollywood.  But sometimes garbage is so foul that even those with a deadened sense of smell will wrinkle up their nose at its stench.

Such is the case with a new sitcom on the FOX network, “Dads.”  “Dads” is produced by Seth MacFarlane, creator/writer/producer of the debased animated shows “Family Guy,” “American Dad,” and “The Cleveland Show.”  For longtime readers of this newsletter, you know we have targeted these degrading cartoons for years.  It’s no secret that these cartoons have nothing to do with “family” – other than to undermine the values taught by millions of parents.  The specifics might vary, but the overall content remains the same.  Rife with profanity, extremely vulgar dialogue, and gratuitous violence, each episode is a new variation of the same repulsive, sexualized theme.  

Now FOX is airing MacFarlane’s new show, “Dads” which can also be described in the same way as his animated shows – vulgar and degrading – the only difference is that “Dads” is not animated, but has actual actors spewing the crude dialogue.  In some ways that seems to make it worse –when “real” people –  not animated caricatures – are setting such an obscene example.

As stated above, the criticism of “Dads” has been overwhelming negative.  In fact after reading reviews from dozens of mainstream entertainment news sources, I didn’t find one positive review.   Critics have denounced the new sitcom as “offensive,” “heavily racist,” “sexist,” anti-Semitic,” “morally absent.”  The liberal news website, “The Daily Beast” offered this commentary: 

It’s a rudimentary sitcom premise, retreading setups and punchlines that became stale decades ago. Under the guiding mind of producer Seth MacFarlane, however, the show takes a misguided approach to spicing up that banality—by infusing those punchlines with an almost unfathomable amount of bigotry, racism, ageism, and off-color “humor.” That’s the source of the show’s notoriety and the reason that Dads transcends status as a crappy series that should be ignored and allowed to die its probable quick death into a series whose very existence is a blight on culture at large and must be publicly shamed into dying a certain death.

At a pre-screening of the pilot episode for the Television Critics Association, FOX TV president Kevin Reilly begged the media to overlook the offensiveness of the show, stating:  "The thing about 'Dads' that I really ask you to put in context. That's a pilot.  You know the lineage of these writers. They come out of 'Family Guy.' … These guys are going to try to test a lot of boundaries. They are going to try to be equal-opportunity offenders."

In addition to the racist and crude content of “Dads,” the premiere episode also included a disgusting reference to child porn, in which a female character on the show was told by her employers to dress up as a “sexy Asian schoolgirl” to help win a client’s business.  After seeing her in the “sexy” little girl’s outfit, the two male bosses ogle her and speak of fantasizing about her.

The Wall Street Journal wrote:  "What makes 'Dads' so deeply and fundamentally racist is that it is MacFarlane’s entitlement fantasy, in which the only cast members of color are women who exist to serve and service the spoiled little boys’ club at the show’s core."

I agree with “The Daily Beast writer above, “Dad’s is “a blight on culture at large and must be publicly shamed into dying a certain death.”  Help us “shame” the advertisers who supported this offensive show.

Take Action!  Click here to send a message to the sponsors empowering “Dads” – what has been described as the most offensive show of the fall season.

Listed below are the advertisers who sponsored FOX TV’s “Dads.”

Warner Brothers
Windows Phone
Estee Lauder
Columbia Pictures
Outback Steakhouse
American Express
Old Navy
Citi Card
MetLife Insurance
Ford – Local Advertiser
Jet’s Pizza – Local Advertiser
Dodge – Local Advertiser
McDonalds – Local Advertiser
Gun Lake Casino – Local Advertiser
Ford – Local Advertiser


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 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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