Family Guy at the Boston Marathon – a “classy” move? Really?

By: American Decency Staff

Written by Lisa Van Houten

Many news sites are reporting today that Rupert Murdoch’s FOX television has pulled an episode of “Family Guy” from their website and online viewing sites because the episode depicted mass “deaths” (i.e. killings) at the Boston Marathon.  Some news reports have even praised Fox for the so-called “classy” move.

The controversy stemmed from a typical vulgar and gruesome episode of “Family Guy” which originally aired March 17, but was still available for viewing online.  The episode entitled “Turban Cowboy” featured the show’s main character, Peter Griffin killing countless people at the Boston Marathon and then later in the same episode unwittingly joining an Islamic terrorist cell, getting drawn into a plan to blow up a bridge. 

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Some anonymous viewer took clips of the two scenes – the first scene of deaths at the Boston Marathon and the second scene of terrorist bombings – and weaved them together to make it look as if the “Family Guy” depicted the character Peter and the terrorists bombing the Boston Marathon.  The edited scene was posted online and views went viral.

In response, “Family Guy’s” creator Seth MacFarlane was outraged!  His outrage, however, wasn’t target toward the real-life heinous bombings in Boston, but at the edited clips of his own show.  He took to Twitter to express his “righteous” indignation at the use of his show, stating:   “The edited 'Family Guy' clip currently circulating is abhorrent."

Abhorrent??  Notice what he’s calling “abhorrent.”  It’s not the actual bombings in Boston this past Monday.  And it’s certainly not the disgusting show he proudly produces which depicts such horrific, gruesome violence. 

What MacFarlane calls “abhorrent” is the unlicensed editing of an episode of his show.

About the actual Boston Marathon bombing which killed three people and injured and maimed over a hundred adults and children, MacFarlane had this to say:  "The event was a crime and a tragedy, and my thoughts are with the victims."

The bombing wasn’t an “event” and it was so much more than a “crime.”  It was an act of terrorism.  But MacFarlane reserves his greatest outrage for what might tarnish his reputation and his vile show.

While it’s true the March 17 “Family Guy” episode in question did not depict a bombing at The Boston Marathon, let’s take a look at what the episode did contain.

The now controversial episode showed Peter Griffin “winning” the Boston Marathon by driving through the crowd of runners with his car, mowing down scores of people, leaving a wake of blood and bodies in his wake.  (see the picture above)  He is then interviewed by a Bob Costas character stating:  “I’m Bob Costas here with Boston Marathon winner Peter Griffin.  Peter, how did you do it?”

Peter proudly replies:  “I’ll tell you Bob, I just got in my car and drove it.  And when a guy got in my way, I killed him.”

Later in the episode there is a scene of a terrorist gruesomely decapitating a woman with a sword, leaving her bloody head on the floor.  Also, in the episode, Peter becomes friends with a Muslim, deciding to convert to Islam when he sees the depiction of Muslim wives as obedient slaves to their husband.  Peter states:  “Let me get this straight … obedient wives and I get to shout ‘Allah Akbar’ when I do stuff?  You sir, have got yourself a Muslim!”  He says: “OMA” (Oh My Allah), Islam “is awesome!”

He unwittingly joins a terrorist cell.  Several times he calls his new Muslim friend’s cell phone, and each time explosions and blood-curdling screams are heard over the phone’s speaker, implying the call set off a bomb.  Later Peter foils the terrorists plot to blow up a bridge with cars streaming across it, only to accidently blow up the bridge himself.

This content is all a big joke to Seth MacFarlane and is typical fare for this detestable show.  

However, there are some things that are no laughing matter

It’s also nothing new to MacFarlane.  He has mockingly portrayed school shootings and the 9/11 terrorist acts, as well as Christ and all things held at all sacred. 

In a past episode, two characters go back in time to prevent the 9/11 terrorist acts, only to decide that it would be “better” for the country to have the terrorism occur.  They go back in time again to insure the 9/11 attacks do take place.  One character states:  "We did it Brain — we made 9/11 happen! High-five!"

Why was this episode pulled now – after the bombings in Boston – but was worthy of being aired last month?  It’s okay on March 17, but not April 17??

Will FOX and Seth MacFarlane’s consciences be pricked regarding the culture of violence they’re contributing to?  I highly doubt it.  As long as they can rake in money by producing this filth, they will continue to do so. 

But what about the episodes that air next?   Fox has no qualms about spewing the filth of Family Guy over the airwaves and many advertisers have no problem with sponsoring it. 

ake Action!  Click here to send a message to the advertisers empowering this heinous episode and show.  (See advertiser list below.)

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