Conservatives censoring conservatives? Concerning.
So goes the meaningful Sunday School song so many have grown up on. Thankfully some live out the message of that simple but profound song well into their adult years. I would like to think I am one of them that does so, as well.
However, some Americans whose word has proven to be honorable and noteworthy have found it increasingly difficult to be permitted to tell the truth – even by fellow so-called conservatives – “to let their light shine.”
I speak here, among others, of Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Frank Gaffney. I’m referencing what has been known as CPAC 2013: The “Uninvited Panel”. The media has predictably been STONE DEAD QUIET regarding CPAC’s stiff-arming of these so-called “controversial” speakers – these truth-tellers who have been black-balled by the Republican establishment crowd.
Referring to the “Uninvited Speakers Panel” of these highly-regarded conservative leaders – Stephen K. Bannon, Executive Chairman of Breitbart News Network, said, “This session is not simply about speakers and panelists, but about direct engagement and participation by the CPAC audience. Andrew Breitbart believed in more voices, not less, and that is what this session will be about. We will get as many people as possible to the microphone to ask their questions and engage our speakers.”
By now at least some of you might know the details. But just in case you don’t, I would be remiss if I didn’t do my part to make sure you know!
Either way, check out the following videos:
Robert Spencer:
Pamela Geller:
I am merely taking a moment to make you aware of the behind the scenes squeeze play that kept great Americans from letting fellow Americans have the opportunity to hear from some of America’s boldest warriors for truth and righteousness in America.
Just a few words of commentary in regard to a few individuals.
Robert Spencer. I traveled to Dearborn last April to see and hear him speak at the Jessica Mogdad Conference who was the victim of honor-killing. I wanted to see for myself who these Freedom fighters were. Robert Spencer’s webpage:
Jihad Watch won CPACS (2013) “People’s Choice Blogger Award” but was not allowed to receive it on stage because of the concern that Robert Spencer acknowledged that he would speak a critical word regarding particular conservatives who have Muslim Brotherhood leanings like Grover Norquist once he was cautioned not to. See the Robert Spencer video at the link
Pamela Geller..
I walked away impressed with every aspect of the conference. I was impressed with the presentations, with the passion, with the quality of each speaker at the Dearborn conference last April. That is where I became convinced that our government, our media and a large core of so-called conservatives were willfully blind (using author Andrew C. McCarthy’s descriptive words from his book “Willful Blindness”).
I would also include in my short list Frank Gaffney who heads the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC. Gaffney has pointedly, with documentation, warned audiences all across America of our government’s embracement of high officials from the Muslim Brotherhood into leading positions in our government including the Pentagon, White House, State Department, Defense Department.
We had Mr. Gaffney speak at our fall event in Grand Rapids. His presentation was met with broad acceptance and deep appreciation. See for yourself:
Many, many walk away shocked saying “I simply had no idea”.
And more significantly at:
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