“Please continue your drive to get Sister Wives off the air. This show is promoting polygamy and these fans of theirs think that it is ok and the way to live. … There are many people out there that think this is ok. They do not see the true picture of polygamy. …” K.S. (ADA reader)
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“People still don't know that polygamist families are just like any other family.”
This was the claim by one of the so-called “wives” featured on the latest episode of “Sister Wives” as she appealed to viewers for “acceptance” of their tragic and degrading lifestyle.
Yet this is why we oppose “Sister Wives” – it is slowly indoctrinating viewers to buy their lies and see polygamy as “just like any other family.” As our reader above wrote, many people are becoming accepting of the concept of polygamy and “think it is ok.” As “Sister Wives” viewers discuss the show on TV fan message boards, I’ve often seen online comments to the affect of, ‘Polygamy may not be for me, but if its right for them, who am I to judge?’
The most recent episode depicted “wife” #4 having her last name legally changed to that of the “husband.” Of course this name change didn’t occur years ago when they were supposedly “married,” because they do not have a legal marriage!
“Husband” Kody Brown claims how important it is that all his “wives” have the same last name, stating:
“One of the most important things for me, as we became a family was that we identified as a family. Get the same last name that I have so that you aren’t regarded by society as a kept woman.”
Of course you’ve heard the adage “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.” (That phrase was slung by President Obama against Sarah Palin in the 2008 election.) However, as it applies to polygamists, it’s true. They can “identify as a family,” but that doesn’t make them one. In essence these “wives” are kept women.
Brown goes on to claim: “We have a covenant with each other between us and God and it is a marriage and we view it as a marriage. We don’t view it as an open marriage. We don’t view it in any way other than a biblically sanctified marriage.”
Again, they may call it a marriage and “view it as a marriage,” but it’s not a marriage and it certainly isn’t biblical or sanctified!
In Mark 10:6-9 Jesus stated, “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
As Jesus taught, God’s design for marriage is one male and one female – the two becoming one. NOT three, or four, or five individuals choosing to “view” themselves as being in the covenant of marriage.
Yet to millions of undiscerning viewers, the Browns’ claim may sound reasonable. Without being grounded in the truth, they begin to accept such falsehood.
As we shared in part, one of our readers has great concern regarding the impact of this show, writing:
“Please continue your drive to get Sister Wives off the air. This show is promoting polygamy and these fans of theirs think that it is ok and the way to live. I really don’t care how they live their lives, I just don’t want to see it on TV. There are many people out there that think this is ok. They do not see the true picture of polygamy. They only see what the Brown Family shows them. … I feel they are duping their fans. How can we get this show off the air. They had a huge number of advertisers for Sundays show.”
We will continue our drive to oppose the lies of “Sister Wives.” Will you continue to stand with us? Your action is needed!
Take Action! Click here to send a message to the sponsors empowering “Sister Wives.”
Advertisers include:
Twizzlers – Hersheys
Kraft Mac & cheese
Vaseline – Unilever
All detergent – Unilever
Dove moisturizer – Unilever
Finish dish detergent
Monistat 1 – Johnson & Johnson
Fresh Pet dog food
Dyson vacuums
Lyrica – Pfizer
GE – General Electric
Cats Pride cat litter
Screen Gems
20th Century Fox
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