Coming up this very Friday (March 8) at 1:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. – a family movie – appropriate for all ages!
Most of you by now have heard the name Dr. Ben Carson. If you are like me, you hadn’t heard of him until as recently as February 7 when he made quite a name for himself as he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC.
Quoting from The Christian Post:
Carson's National Prayer Breakfast Speech, which lasted nearly 30 minutes and focused on an unnecessary need for political correctness in the country, has made him an instant conservative hero, as he managed to articulate many concerns of the GOP party while standing directly next to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.
In his speech, Carson, a Seventh Day Adventist Christian, also focused on taxation, health care, the national debt, and education in the U.S., providing a diagnosis of what he feels is wrong with America.
Following Carson's speech, media outlets proclaimed the well-known neurosurgeon, who is the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md., as the “New Conservative Folk Here while others called for him to run for president.
Also if you are like me, you didn’t realize that there was a movie about his life that came out in 2009 entitled “Gifted Hands.”
“Gifted Hands” is a family film appropriate for all ages. It is not a documentary. Here’s a little summary of this 90 minute film.
Young Ben Carson [in Detroit] didn’t have much of a chance. Growing up in a broken home amongst poverty and prejudice, his grades suffered and his temper flared. And yet, his mother never lost her faith in him. Insisting he follow the opportunities she never had, she helped to grow his imagination, intelligence and, most importantly, his belief in himself. That faith would be his gift – the thing that would drive him to follow his dream of becoming one of the world’s leading neurosurgeons.
Come and be encouraged as you watch this powerful family movie that promises to warm your heart regarding a great American whose life story is one of realism, courage, the overcoming of obstacles, and filled with hope.
In addition: Mark your calendar for Gary Bauer and Frank Gaffney, scheduled speakers for our summer conference, scheduled for Friday, July 26. Exact time and location to be announced.
Kamal Saleem DVDs and CDs. On February 7,8 and 9, ADA hosted former terrorist Kamal Saleem at events in Grand Rapids (Crowne Plaza), Fremont (ADA headquarters) and in Holland (Alpen Rose Restaurant).
Turn outs were strong in each location. To order a DVD or CD of any of these events go to our website store at: call us at 231-924-4050.
In the Holland DVD, we also feature World War II Christian resistance worker, Diet Eman (92 years old), as she told her story of being involved in saving Jews and also being captured and spending time in a German concentration camp. Many were deeply blessed by each of the various presentations, but Diet’s message was particularly stirring.
To stay up-to-date with the news and heart of us at American Decency like us on Facebook.
Hope to see you this coming Friday either at the matinee (1:00 P.M.) or at the evening (7:00 P.M.) showing of “Gifted Hands.”
Refreshments provided.
Free will offering will be taken to defray expenses and to advance the work of the American Decency Association.
Call us:
231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
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