The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we see through it. – Jean Paul
We are living at a time when those in high governmental leadership positions aren’t thinking or acting with clarity. Is it because not much “sand has flowed through their hourglass of life”? That’s not the issue here. What is the issue? There is something of major significance keeping societal influencers – government and media – from leading us wisely. Something is seriously wrong.
Scary isn’t it. Let me count just five recent examples.
1. Boston Marathon Bombers. Anyone who says let’s not jump to any hasty conclusions about whether or not the Tsarnaev brothers (Dzhokhar and Tamerlan) were Islamists (terrorists) is either willfully blind or a full-fledged deceiver.
Ft. Hood Massacre. Same category – those still classifying Ft. Hood massacre as “workplace violence” is either willfully blind, (or what?) ……
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s failure to recognize political Islam as a driver of jihadist terrorism is partly to blame for the FBI not identifying one of the Boston Marathon bombers in 2011 as a security risk, according to U.S. officials and private counterterrorism analysts. The FBI revealed last week that it was warned by a foreign government in 2011 that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed Friday, was tied to “radical Islam” but the FBI was unable to confirm the links. “The fact is religion has been expunged from counterterrorism training,” said Sebastian Gorka, a counterterrorism specialist with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The FBI can’t talk about Islam and they can’t talk about jihad.”
2. Open border and immigration policies. With terrorist threats and attacks (though not recognized by our “leaders” as such), how can it be that rather than secure our borders they open our borders even wider? Isn’t this inviting heightened and predictable increases in terrorism? If not why wouldn’t it? In a very rare stand by a liberal, the liberal Bob Beckel just commented the other day stating: I think we really have to consider given the fact that so many people hate us that we’re going to have to cut off Muslim students from coming to this country for some period of time so that we can at least absorb what we’ve got, look at what we’ve got and decide whether some of the people here should be going — be sent back home or sent back to prison. I think they ought to be very selective in allowing any Muslim or future Chinese students in here. Because Chinese students are brought here, taught computers, go back home and hack us.
Keep in mind that Beckel’s statement is rare and unusual for a liberal. Nonetheless, the sad everyday reality is as follows:
3. The mainstream media would ask difficult questions of President George W. Bush on any and nearly every issue to help diminish Bush’s popularity and his standing with the American people. Was it just objective reporting when Bush was hounded on nearly every front? Was Bush really as ineffective and non-intelligent as the liberal media liked to establish day in and day out? What was really at play?
In contrast, why is the radical left President Obama not held accountable? As Mark Levin (former Chief of Staff of Attorney General Ed Meese under the Reagan administration) said on his radio program “… He’s (President Obama) not held to account, he doesn’t have to answer any questions…. “I’ve never seen any president in my entire life get away with this. None. None. It’s an incredible spectacle is what it is. It’s what we’ve become. A President of the United States can unleash such turmoil and havoc upon a nation as a matter of policy and doesn’t have to answer a damn question and is never held to account. Nothing. … “
This afternoon a former Marine who served in harms-way came into our office with fire and caring in his eyes. He asked for six copies of our newsletter. (email me for a pdf copy). He was going to hand-deliver it and discuss concerns like those named above with friends and family. He’ll also be talking to young people.
It’s time to wake up! Some are like Harold the U.S. Marine. He didn’t risk his life to just see it thrown away. What about you?
Last Friday 390 people came to our headquarters to hear World War II Dutch Resistance Member Diet Eman tell about seeing the freedoms of her people in the Netherlands taken away by the Nazis. She didn’t run away or clam up. She risked her life to hide the Jewish people.
390 people – young and old – came to hear a 93 year old woman warn, inform and encourage to stand up and live for Christ and for America.
People do care. So must we. Begin to look for ways to let your love, courage, care and prayer make a difference. And don’t forget the National Day of Prayer next Thursday in a location near you! Stand with others!
It’s late in America, but not too late.
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