ABC’s Mistresses/hookers – Take Action

By: American Decency Staff

“Trashy.”  “Sleazy.” 

These adjectives have been used to describe the new ABC show “Mistresses.”  What is especially telling, however,  is that those descriptions came from secular media (the Washington Post and the St. Louis-Dispatch, respectively.)

Advertisers need to hear from you!  See action links below.

And then there is this excellent article by the New York Post entitled:  “Mistresses or hookers?” by Andrea Peyser.

It’s time to call this what it is.

Adultery has become more than a sinful, dangerous and potentially lucrative pastime. The art of a grown-up spending sweaty nights with someone else’s husband or wife isn’t just a hobby filled with potential pitfalls: weird pick-ups, jealous spouses and — paging Liberace! — sexually transmitted diseases.

It’s a kind of prostitution.

A Gallup poll last month revealed a vast majority of Americans — 92 percent — think married men and women having affairs is morally wrong. …

Yet, despite the societal aversion to extramarital relations, whether it be for fun or profit, forces within the culture would have you believe monogamy is for losers, fatties or men afflicted with erectile dysfunction.  …

The happy-hooker theme, which dates back even before Julia Roberts bedded Richard Gere in “Pretty Woman,’’ has taken off in these amoral days. It has seeped into network television, a cold landscape where extramarital affairs are normalized and celebrated.

ABC last week debuted “Mistresses’’ … .  Based on a British series, the show, with its lush shots depicting soft-core porn, tells the tales of four impeccably dressed women who glorify the world’s oldest profession.

But these gals don’t call themselves “hookers’’ — though they provide the same services, free of charge.

In the show, Savannah (Alyssa Milano) wants a baby with her husband, Harry (Brett Tucker). When Harry grows surly after learning that the failure to procreate is his fault, Savi, a lawyer, does what comes naturally. She has sex with a colleague, right in the office.

Psychiatrist Karen (Yunjin Kim of “Lost” fame) had an affair with a patient who died. She’s upset — not that her paramour is gone, but that he spent his final minutes with his wife.

Savi’s free-spirited sister, Josslyn (Jes Macallan) sleeps with anyone, male or female, provided they’re wed. April (Rochelle Aytes) learns her late husband had a second family. Doesn’t anyone work?

There has been pushback. Elaine Bradley, drummer for the Utah-based band Neon Trees, objected to the show’s infantile tag line, “You can’t help who you fall in love with.’’

“Um, you CAN choose to NOT sleep with a married man. Just sayin,’’ she tweeted.

“It’s desensitizing America,’’ complained Monica Coles, director of One Million Moms, which is organizing an advertiser boycott of “Mistresses.’’

“The name pretty much says it all. It’s a show about adultery. It puts it in a positive light. Most of these characters feel no guilt.’’

The worst part is that “Mistresses’’ degrades women. Gals here offer a lame excuse for freely scratching their itches: They’re channeling the appetites of married guys, from ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner to ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

This is equality? The mistresses seem to contend that they’re as incapable as men of controlling their libidos. Rubbish.

We’re not animals.

And as these immoral and sexually deviant behaviors permeate the cultural waters in which we all swim, our children and families are the ones who especially pay the price.

Advertisers, more than anyone else, know full well the persuasive power of images and verbiage in influencing behavior.  And so the sponsors below are equally culpable in the damage done by “Mistresses.”

Take Action!  Click here to urge the sponsors of “Mistresses” to withdraw their ads from this degrading show. 

In addition, we are especially targeting three advertisers who have sponsored at least two of the first three episodes of “Mistresses” – including last night’s episode.  Please a take moment to personally express your disgust with their empowerment of a show which acts as an assault upon marriage and family and urge them to withdraw their corporate sponsorship. 

Please personally call or post a comment on the Facebook or Twitter pages for the following companies.


McDonald's Customer Service phone number: 1-800-244-6227

Red Robin

Red Robin phone number:  1-303-846-6000

Taco Bell
Taco Bell Customer Service phone number:  1-800-822-6235

Advertisers of last night’s episode of “Mistresses” include:

Red Robin restaurants
Taco Bell
Ritz Crackers
Gold Bond
Diet Dr. Pepper
M&M candy
Pace salsa
Centrum Silver
Best Buy
Chase credit card
20th Century Fox

To support our efforts please click hereor mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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