On Monday the Boy Scouts of America — which successfully fought against allowing homosexuals into its ranks all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000 —said it may reverse its policy next week.
I write as a Life Scout (one level below an Eagle Scout). I am a member of the Order of the Arrow and attended the Boy Scout Jamboree in Colorado Springs in 1960.
My Dad was an assistant Scout Master. My Scout Master was the founder and former head of the Packaging Department at Michigan State University – a wonderful man and a great example, a great Scout. Millions from years past and present would have similar comments regarding straight men leading with decency and honor in word and deed.
Scout Oath:
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,
Friendly, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty,
Brave, Clean, Reverent
Often our leaders had us recite these pledges as we started our meetings. We committed them to memory. Why? Because this was what we strove to become and be as Boy Scouts of America. Men of character in word and deed.
I have been pleased to see how Scout leadership has held fast to these pledges. And as they held to them, they were targeted more and more. Others have compromised – lacked courage to uphold the high standards they once proclaimed. Once honorable organizations like the Girl Scouts and most recently the U.S. Military slid and gave in with huge ramnifications.
The Scout Oath and the Scout Law are honorable and call young men to be honorable: morally straight and clean in thought, word and deed.
I urge you to do as I just did: Call the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) 972-580-2000 and urge them to standfast to their standards! As I told the BSA representative, on a 10 scale, I want you to know that my disappointment/disgust will be 10 out of 10 if you fall.
Where is moral courage? Where are spiritual leaders in our day? Is this about money?
Will money be withheld from the Boy Scouts if they don’t get in line with the PC crowd?
In my devotions in recent days, there were a couple of quotes that challenge on this front:
Is the Word of God tremendously penetrating and sharp in me as I hand it on to you, or does my life betray the things I profess to teach?~ Oswald Chambers, The utmost for His Highest
—- Does my life betray the things I profess to teach? — Were those years where young men like myself committed the Scout Oath and Scout Law just high sounding words or were they meant to be life commitments?
And this one from Matthew Henry:
Beware of hypocrisy, for if it reigns in you, it will ruin you. It is the dead fly that spoils the whole box of precious ointment. ~Matthew Henry
Hypocrisy? May it not be so with the Boy Scouts of America!!
I used to ask how Sodom and Gomorrah became Sodom and Gomorrah. We are seeing how before our very eyes. One by one as the peer pressure (politically correct) applies pressures of various kinds over a long period of time.
Others will get a pay raise. You won’t.
You lose your job for some vague reason that just doesn’t make sense.
You’ll be accused of being an old fossil.
Bullying is okay for them. Too often it works to get people in line.
Remember when it was reported that Chic-Fil-A had bowed to homosexual pressures?
Chic-Fil-A hadn’t and didn’t.
The Boy Scouts haven’t either but reports from many corners are that the decision will be made very, very soon.
Dr. Albert Mohler stated the following in his blog addressing this societal concern:
The new policy to be adopted by the Boy Scouts of America represents a revolution in what that esteemed organization understands “morally straight” to mean. We should not let that pass without taking notice of what that revolution will eventually bring about — nothing less than a reversal of what morality is understood to demand.
I urge you to place your call to the Boy Scouts now: ) 972-580-2000
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