By: American Decency Staff

dis·crim·i·nate  [v. dih-skrim-uh-neyt; adj. dih-skrim-uh-nit] 

verb (used without object) 

1.      to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality

Monday seven Republican senators sided with 54 Democrat senators voting to advance ENDA – the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, setting the bill up for possible passage by the U.S. Senate later this week.  Those Republican senators were Susan Collins, Maine; Mark Kirk, Illinois; Orrin Hatch, Utah; Rob Portman, Ohio; Dean Heller, Nevada; Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania; and Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire.

ENDA would give special protected status to homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender employees and job applicants – making it illegal for an employer (with 15 or more employees) to “fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise discriminate against any individual . . . because of such individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.”

According to The National Review

The bill defines “gender identity” as “the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms . . . of an individual, with or without regard to the individual’s designated sex at birth.” In other words, it creates special rights for transgendered individuals — males who dress and act as females, and females who dress and act as males — and forbids employers from considering the consequences of such behavior in the workplace.

Notice that last phrase – ENDA would “forbid employers from considering the consequences of such behavior in the workplace.”   To the proponents of ENDA, it doesn’t matter what the deleterious impact would be to the business.

What would be the consequences of such legislation?   As Family Research Council reports: 

“… businesses would be ordered to make hiring, firing, and promotion decisions — not based on a person's qualifications — but on their sexual expression. Homosexuals, cross-dressers, and transgendered workers would automatically qualify for special treatment that other workers would not. Can you imagine walking into your child's classroom and meeting a teacher dressed in drag? Neither can most Americans. But unfortunately, that's just one of the many consequences of adopting a law as dangerous as this one. Preschools, daycare centers, summer camps, religious chains like Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A — they'll all be subject to the law, regardless of their personal beliefs and workplace standards.”

Parents will take their child to daycare or school and find that their child’s caregiver or teacher has decided to identify with the opposite gender and is now cross-dressing.  Businesses, such as Christian bookstores, will be subjected to frivolous law suits by LGBT job applicants who cry “discrimination” if they aren’t hired. 

This is already taking place before ENDA becomes federal law.  In 2010 the American Eagle clothing chain was sued for trying to enforce a dress code for employees after an employee started to cross-dress.  As FRC reported, “American Eagle had to agree to hire transgenders no matter how uncomfortable it makes customers — or employees!”  Imagine the flood of lawsuits if ENDA becomes the law of the land as those pushing the LGBT agenda use the law to “stick it” to corporations such as Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A.

According to the dictionary definition above, it’s clear which group of people ENDA discriminates in favor of, but who does ENDA discriminate against

As Family Research Council states so well:  “… a law like this wouldn't stop discrimination — it would encourage it against anyone with a traditional view of morality. We all know how the activist community works. Homosexuals and transgenders will use this law to marginalize Christians and take over the marketplace — until only their "lifestyle" is promoted. ENDA isn't about tolerance — it's about a nationwide celebration of unlimited sexual expression. And Christians, like fired Fox Sportscaster Craig James, will be the ones paying the price.

The Left wants to equate opposition to ENDA with intolerance, when in reality, this policy would breed real intolerance toward people like Craig, who are already being fired simply for holding conservative beliefs. Although James never once talked about his views of marriage on the air, Fox executives didn't care. "We just asked ourselves how Craig's statements would play with our HR department," the network said.

Imagine how many conservatives would find themselves in the same unemployment line if ENDA were the law of the land! The workplace would be open season on people with religious convictions and beliefs. Christians (and people who follow most major religions) would be silenced and forced underground, while homosexuals and transgenders turn the business world into their strongest political platform.

How did we get to this place where our first freedom – religious liberty – is threatened in favor of promoting a group receiving special status based solely on their sexual expression? 

In researching this issue I came across an Associated Press article with this telling title:  Gay rights bill moves forward as opposition silent”.

The article referenced the lack of opposition among Republican senators, stating:  Republican opponents of the measure were largely silent, neither addressing the issue on the second day of Senate debate nor commenting unless asked.”

However the title can more aptly apply to the silence of Christians, churches, pastors over the years as we’ve silently stood by and watched as a lifestyle with deadly spiritual consequences is legitimatized and glorified.  We have failed to lovingly warn and witness.  We have been silent not only as a bill moved forward, but as sin has taken root and flourished, relinquishing our calling as redeeming agents.

It’s late in America, but not too late to still be what we are called to be – salt and light.  There are many ways in which to do so, but one important way is to call your Senator and Representative and express your concern about ENDA.  Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to the office of your senator/representative. 

A spokesman has stated that House Speaker John Boehner “believes this legislation will increase frivolous litigation and cost American jobs, especially small business jobs," indicating he will not bring ENDA up for House approval, however it is still important that our voices are heard!


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