By Bill Johnson
A person whom I highly regard asked me recently, “What is the purpose of your ministry?”
I took him to our purpose statement:
a) ADA is an overtly Christian organization whose positions on the nature of morality emanate from a biblical worldview.
b) we believe that Christians are called to the pursuit of holiness in all aspects of their lives,
c) that holiness demands of God’s people that they be a light in a darkened world,
d) that being a light in a darkened world does not mean selfish retreat from the world, but an activism within it that proceeds from love for our neighbor.
e) the ADA seeks to provide those who would desire to be a light with the tools and resources necessary to be that light.
As we have discussed recently, what does the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House have to do with being a light in a darkened world, holiness, or decency?
Let me share with you my thinking and concern on this important front.
(1) The Biblical ethic of decency has its foundation God’s Word.
“Pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.” [Hebrews 12:14]
“Be holy for I am holy,” says the Lord.
[I Peter 1:15,16]
“I will place no wicked thing before mine eyes. [Psalm 101:3a]
The U.S. Constitution has God’s Word as one of its great foundational roots.
By it and through it we have the great freedoms that typified our nation for over 200 years.
The Freedom of Speech
The Freedom of the Press
The Freedom of Assembly
The Freedom of Religion
This and so much more is what has made America “A City on a Hill,” an exceptional nation.
In addition, the rule of law in America also gives underpinnings to such legislation as Miller v. California which is what prosecutors use to determine if videos, DVDs, magazines, are obscene and therefore prosecutable. It has been declared and upheld long ago by the U.S. Supreme Court that obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment. In other words, obscenity is not free speech.
This lays a brief groundwork for me to say what I am about to say.
At the core of my call into ministry is God’s call for me to pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
My concern long ago (and it remains) was that as Americans allowed their homes, computers, phones, entertainment choices, etc. to be laced, permeated with wicked, erotic, godless images and themes, many millions upon millions would little by little have their hearts and their moral sensibilities seared and degraded.
I believe that not only has this been happening for a long time – it is happening every day with young and old.
What American households once found detestable and disgusting has become acceptable. That includes taking the Lord’s name in vain and in so many ways degrading human beings made in God’s image.
One case in point. My wife and I came into the office to watch the third Presidential debate just the other day. As we turned the television on, one of the cable channels was airing “American Dad” – an animated cartoon.
Within just seconds the filthy verbiage and sexual innuendo plus the degrading and blasphemy of Jesus Christ were flowing out of that 30 minute cartoon. Disgusting, degrading, desensitizing, tragic. It is also a commentary upon America. This show has been around for a long time because there have been millions upon millions of viewers watching it. This is only one show and there are many as bad, and even worse than this worthless show.
As we look all around us and see that almost 50% of the American people vote for pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-same sex marriage candidates, we wonder how can this once great nation be made up of so many foolish ones?
I submit that the first place to look is our television sets and to recognize that the vast majority of Americans do not vigorously and vigilantly fight for righteousness in their own homes.
Read Romans 1. In verses 1:23 and forward, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. … Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves. ……
In the Old Testament, we see how God after being exceedingly merciful for year after year, finally turned His people over to their own devices. Usually that included opening their borders to hellish pagans who came and brought brutal destruction upon the young and old.
I believe God’s call upon this ministry by necessity has to be broadened to include warning, exhorting, educating regarding the Muslim Brotherhood, our own unfaithfulness and our increased need to turn back to God and pursue holiness which will lead to a return to clear thinking.
Resources that flow from our recent conference on Shariah include Frank Gaffney’s book published by Center for Security Policy Press.
You can order it online at our store at:
If you would prefer to watch William Wagner’s and Frank Gaffney’s messages via DVD, it can be ordered online at the link above.
In addition, I urge to watch Frank Gaffney’s acclaimed training series on the Muslim Brotherhood in America. This website got me up to speed very quickly regarding the serious threat of Shariah that is advancing silently but surely. I urge you to watch it. You need to understand what Gaffney provides on this well done
To those of you who have the ability to download informational programs on your cell phone, computer, or mp3 player, I encourage you to download Frank Gaffney’s daily radio program at:
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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