I wrote the following just moments after the U.S. Supreme Court decision came down regarding Obamacare. However, I’m not writing this for the purposes of discussing Obamacare or as is more officially known, “The Affordable Care Act”.
Having been in ministry since 1987, I have seen many changes over the years. There are several things that particularly concern me as I look back and as I look ahead. Please permit me to share just a few.
I list five, though not in any particular order.
1. With each advancing election season, particularly the presidential election season, we see an increasing division among the citizens of America. The increasing lack of civility between the two parties is not only observable, but measurable.
2. The reasons for the differences have become magnified and increasingly complex with the advance of years.
a. Biblical marriage v. same sex marriage
b. pro-life v. pro-abortion
c. the legitimization of homosexuality v. homosexuality as sin
These conflicts are but a short list of many.
3. Most of us though, recognizing that America was founded upon Godly principles, do not defend the Constitution or the Bible when it is under attack even when right before our eyes. And, they are under attack.
4. Many of us recognize that America is faltering and has become increasingly endangered by insidious levels of godlessness, lawlessness, and tyranny. We live without a sense of urgency and prayerfulness.
5. Many have served and/or are serving in our military to protect and defend our nation and the great liberty that we enjoy that so few others around the world have ever experienced. I fear these amazing blessings have been taken for granted far too long.
I could wish that these election cycles weren’t so divisive, but they are. Too, I fear that we will remain with the strong differences of world view that exist on the variety of heated concerns.
We are seeing in our day that the Bible is under attack, but also our Constitutional form of government is threatened. Whether you follow politics or not, as Christians we do need to understand the times in order to know what to do!
Let us not, as is common to so many, look beyond the word of God for our counsel.
One of the early passages of Scripture that I memorized while in my early thirties provides a strong platform for my Christian life. Joshua 1:8 reads:
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
This is a time to get back into the Word of God – faithfully, daily, hungering for His righteousness, for His guiding hand, for turning from our wicked ways and calling upon His Holy name – repenting of our sins; that we may have the mind of Christ and do His will.
Prayer. Blah, blah, blah? Predictable advice that it may be – THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER!
I urge you not to neglect it. As a young Christian, I heard of people who prayed for 30 minutes or more. I marveled and wondered how and why they would do that.
As I began to practice the discipline of prayer, I found out for myself that time in prayer became a huge blessing and my relationship with Christ developed and grew and continues to grow.
When I get up in the morning, I find myself being able to go into a time of prayer and sense His presence with me as my heart grows heavier over our culture.
Many of you reading this know what I mean, but some of you may not.
No one can force or would want to force a prayer life upon another. I’m saying, however, that as our prayer life grows, our relationship with Christ grows and He, I believe, leads us into a fuller understanding of His will for our lives.
It is important, too, to familiarize yourself with the areas of embattlement that face our country and to have the mind of Christ in order to know how to respond to them.
Here are a few resources that we have discovered which effectively and spiritually inform, warn and stimulate.
“Agenda – Grinding America Down”: this DVD – looks at the subversion of America, the systematic “grinding down” of American culture and values over several decades – a process nearing its climax today.
“America’s Godly Heritage” (DVD) is an excellent primer for those who want to know more about what was intended for America by the Founders and what can be done to return America to its original guiding philosophy.
Click here to order these or other resources from our online store.
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