Depict conservatives/Republicans as racists who care nothing about the poor. Check.
Promote gay marriage and undermine traditional marriage and family. Double check.
Even some within the liberal media are beginning to call out the use of these tired stereotypical themes in lieu of actual creativity. One writer for the far left-leaning Huffington Post commented: “Shock humor is the only type of humor ‘The New Normal’ knows, and it insists on shoving it down our throats …”
Encouraging news is that after hearing from thousands of you by way of our take action links, a number of repeat advertisers, including Campbell’s soup and Procter and Gamble, chose not to sponsor this episode of The New Normal.
Take Action! Click here to send a message to these corporations empowering The New Normal.
Bryan visits a Catholic church and while looking at a painting of The Last Supper states: “Twelve dudes sitting around gossiping and drinking wine – you call that the Last Supper? I call it Tuesday night.”
He’s right about one thing. God will judge each one of us and Ryan Murphy, the creator of The New Normal and whose life the character “Bryan” is said to be modeled after, may want to read Romans 1 and 2 before he faces that judgment.
As the episode continues, Bryan talks with a priest in the confessional.
Priest: So, you’re gay. … I get it; I committed my life to a man, as well.
Bryan: Yet any chance he gets the Pope treats gay marriage like Amanda Bynes treats pedestrians.
Bryan: I was raised Catholic. I love the tradition. I love the ritual. … But you guys don’t accept me. … Why can’t the church be accepting of all people? You know what, you toss Jesus’ name around, but you don’t exactly practice what he preached because Jesus’ wouldn’t have judged people by their sexuality b/c Jesus loved everyone.
Bryan: Well, as true as that might be, he also said turn the other cheek.
Bryan: So you’re saying the church has got to change?
As the episode continues, Goldie’s 9 year old daughter faces the death of her guinea pig. The final twisted message is delivered by 9 year old Shania: “Most people think that death is like this doorway to the afterlife. But the truth is, we don’t know what happens. … Now – ‘now’ is the only thing that’s for sure.”
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