The experts sound off in Washington, DC summit gathering

By: American Decency Staff
Speakers included:
U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
General William Boykin (ret)
Col. Oliver North
Gary Bauer – President and Founder of American Values
U.S. Congressman Steve King
Sen. Rich Santorum
These informative presentations are each available at
In addition to the formal times of presentations to thousands of attendees in the large auditorium, there are also informal times of discussion, and the opportunity to attend a variety of breakout sessions.  
The American Constitution is under attack.
·         Momentum is heightening to quell the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion at the highest level of this administration by invoking hate speech crimes prohibiting people from expressing concern or educating others regarding Shariah Law, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
·         The Muslim Brotherhood has a growing number of individuals with connections in high up places in the government, in our military, at the University – in accord with their plans.
·         There have been a number of courts throughout America which have adopted or allowed Shariah codes to be utilized in their court decisions and this is becoming more prevalent.
·         Some of you are aware of the term Jihad. Jihad is "holy war." Or, more precisely: It means the legal, compulsory, communal effort to expand the territories ruled by Muslims at the expense of territories ruled by non-Muslims.
her Chief Aid Huma Abedin. 
The Muslim World League provided funds to Osama bin Laden and "is an observer member of the Organization of Islamic Conferences, an inter-governmental coalition dedicated to 'liberating Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa from Zionist occupation.'"
Abedin was a member of the Muslim Student Association (MSA). The MSA is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood. 
I say all of this to say the following: I can’t underestimate the overwhelming sense of burden and heart-felt concern expressed by leader after leader at the Values Voter Summit. There is a prevailing sense that America is on the verge of a continued and massive shift away from Constitutionalism, of a cultural shift away from its Judeo-Christian foundation to a leftist, socialistic, secularist push to wherever that leads including an ultimate forced acceptance of Shariah under an Islamist-based leadership.
We find it incredible that one poll after another shows a very tight presidential race in the midst of what we see unfolding day after day in our embattled America. 
·         Are you studying the times and going to the Lord to pray?
·         I wish you, too, could have gathered together to hear some of America’s finest conservative Christians articulate what they see on the horizon.
Frank Gaffney (a wonderfully gifted man who worked in the Defense Department during the Reagan administration) has a wonderfully informative and educational website on much of what has been outlined above: Shariah, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, civilization jihad, Huma Abedin and so much more. It’s at:
For a recent email alert entitled , we created a pamphlet using the same title. This brochure is available in PDF form. We urge you to make copies and share it with others and/or forward it to others. Click to download the pamphlet.
hereWe urge you to take and use these valuable resources.
To request a complimentary copy of this compelling DVD, call us at 888-733-2326 or order online at: As a step to help bring God back to the center of American life, American Decency Association is distributing this significant DVD, “Why Christians Must Vote,” free of charge.  
What do you see? Let us hear from you.   In addition, if you stand with us, please stand with us financially. It means an awful lot in these serious days.

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