Some have never read God’s Word

By: American Decency Staff

Some have never read God’s Word.

Have you ever read through the Bible? Some follow a plan that takes them through the Bible in one year.
In doing this, they increasingly understand Biblical history and the mind and leading of the Creator of the universe.

By the grace of God you can begin to see that God is a loving God but that He is also a just God.

We also see in the Bible that there were times when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” [in the book of Judges, for example] and paid no attention to the Creator God.  Wickedness, evil, man against man, hatred, idolatry.  Godlessness prevailed.

Have we moved into such a time as this?   Some of the comments that I receive are filled with so much hatred.   Yesterday I shared a few.  Here is just one:

Email #1:

I’m the child of Holocaust survivors. Your rhetoric reminds me of the rantings of the Nazis who tried to exterminate my people, my family, and my culture.

Rest assured that as a veteran of the US Army and a person dedicated to equality for all and the destruction of bigotry and hatred, I will willingly take up arms if necessary to defend decent people from the likes of you. You cloak your hatred and vile nature in a cloak of religion, but at your core you are just as bad as the merchants of death in Nazi Germany.

The good thing is that America and the world are turning away from your evil. People are accepting diversity, embracing openness and change, and relegating fossils like you to the curiosity shelf.

Good day.

My response:  Really?  Good day after saying that he will take up arms if necessary to defend decent people from the likes of me; that I cloak my hatred and vile nature in a cloak of religion; that I’m just as bad as the merchants of death in Nazi Germany?

I read a quote this morning from one of America’s most regarded presidents:  President Abraham Lincoln.  The quote was this “Without this book, we couldn’t know the difference between right and wrong.”

He was referencing the Bible, of course.

Most of us know what it’s like to be in a classroom without some semblance of discipline.   A society without laws is a society that is on its way to chaos followed by tyranny.  The Bible provides a standard of right!

The Bible opposes killing, stealing, idolatry, adultery, coveting, dishonoring our parents, homosexuality, polygamy, bestiality and many others sins.

Why? Because they degrade God’s Holy Name and degrade His creation – you and me.

This writer states that I cloak my hatred and vile nature in a cloak of religion.  Really?

Why did God give us the account of Sodom and Gomorrah?  Why did He tell us in His Word that homosexuality is an abomination?

The answer is clear.  Because God didn’t create us to have sexual relations with those of the same gender; that homosexuality is a perversion.  It isn’t healthy.  He made the female to receive a male in one flesh unity.  Not the unnaturalness of man with man. Woman with woman.  See Romans 1: 24, 25.

Sexually transmitted diseases are major issues as people sleep around in fornication and in adulterous relationships.  HIV is still most pronounced in the homosexual community.  These are natural consequences of living outside of the way God lovingly and masterfully made us.

Why do ministries like ours speak out against corporations that endorse and promote homosexuality and same sex marriages?  [Companies like J.C. Penney, Fifth Third Bank and General Mills?]

Because we are haters? Absolutely not!  Because as corporations use their name to empower degrading and godless behaviors, it leads to greater degradation , greater moral decline which leads to the decline of our nation – degradation from within!

Not because we say so but because God says so.   Our forefathers, the founders of our nation, our parents –  believed God to be the Creator God; the author and perfecter of our faith.  We have seen our nation blessed as we have followed Biblical standards.  We now are seeing our nation at great  risk because there are voices like the one writing this email who mock God’s standard thereby denying God and His loving authority.

In closing, I haven’t written this because my feelings are hurt by such vitriolic verbiage but rather because I fear for our great country.

I fear that our President, too, has been instrumental in this balkanization of America with his aggressive promotion of GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) in our military and throughout our world.   As he names June GLBT month –  in doing so he is promoting perversion.  It is a direct attack upon a loving but a Holy and just God.  Great degradation and declension has and is resulting!  Make no mistake!

Do any of us want our children and grandchildren sleeping around, committing adultery – having unnatural relationships?   I don’t because I want what is the very best for them.  What about you?

The best for them is not homosexuality or same sex marriage.  Shame on Fifth Third Bank.  Shame on J.C. Penney, General Mills and others who have done similarly.  They have done us great harm.  I say this with great sadness.

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