Written by Chris Johnson Between January 22, 1973 and January 22, of this year, 54,559,615 infants have been killed by their parents according to the National Right to Life Committee. This past Sunday, January 22, marked the 39th anniversary of the horrific Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that made it legal for a mother to kill her child provided they were still connected by an umbilical cord. Dave Andrusko, editor of National Right to Life News told Lifesitenews.com what that boils down to.  "What it means is that there are over 3,300 abortions every day – 137 per hour – or about one dead baby every thirty seconds." That is the supreme tragedy of abortion – the children who should be living out their lives. There should be fifty four million more people experiencing life in America – learning to walk, going to school, getting a driver's license, finding a spouse, choosing a career, having their own children – but instead their bodies were dumped into hazmat bags and thrown in the dumpster before they took their first breath. But the causation is tragic as well.  For every one of those fifty four million kids, there was a parent who was confused or selfish enough to kill their child.  It's hard to accept that America is a society in which it is legal and acceptable to subject your baby to a horrible and torturous death if they are an inconvenience, but that is what America has become. One story of redemption that gives hope to those of us in the pro-life circle is that of former Planned Parenthood manager, Abby Johnson. Johnson is now a pro-life speaker and at one of the events she spoke at she described one of her duties there. " You know what I used to do when I worked at Planned Parenthood? One of my jobs – I was the POC technician… You know what POC is? Products of Conception. You know what that is? It's just a very sterile way of saying 'baby.' You can't say 'baby' inside of an abortion clinic. And inside every abortion clinic across this planet there is somebody who is tasked with the job of being a POC technician… And the POC technician – their job is to take everything that's sucked out of the woman's uterus and dump it into a Pyrex baking dish – like a glass baking dish – and sort through the contents of all of that tissue with surgical tweezers and piece all the parts of the baby back together. You have to account for everything – legs, arms, calvarium, head, the internal organs – because if it's not there, that means it could be left inside the woman's uterus and… she could get an infection and she could die from it… So, that's the POC technician's job. I did that. I really enjoyed that part of my job. I thought it was really interesting. I thought it was interesting to pick through that tissue and find a little tiny heart. In the mean time, I was going to church every Sunday. How can that be? It's because this is not a battle about Republicans or Democrats, or red states or blue states. This is a battle about good and evil. We are fighting a spiritual battle right now. This is a spiritual battle. I didn't get voted out of Planned Parenthood. I got prayed out of Planned Parenthood." Once the umbilical cord on a baby is cut, the child is cleaned, swaddled, and placed in his/her mother's arms there would be almost unanimous agreement that it is evil to tear that baby into so many pieces that someone has to pick through it to make sure it's all there. It's irrational, and the only way it's been rationalized is that those who believe killing babies empowers women and they have been able to change the vocabulary.  It's not killing a baby, it's “aborting a fetus.â€Â  It's not pro-abortion, it's “pro-choice.â€Â  It's not a child, it's a “blob of tissue.â€Â What other species is considered to be a blob of tissue until it is completely born?  If you watch a baby bird peck its way out of an egg, you don't think, "hmm, look at that blob of tissue pecking its way out of a shell.  Oh look, it just became a bird."  If you see a horse givÂÂÂing birth, you don't think, " look at the organic material coming from that horse. Oh, it's all the way out, now it's a foal." Dehumanization is accepted as a step in the genocides of history.  Yet even with horror stories like the Holocaust and the Rwanda genocides in our fairly recent collective memory, we cannot comprehend that what we have done with abortion is exactly the same. Abby Johnson is right when she says it's a spiritual battle.  The "salt" has lost its savor.  Our light has been under a bushel.  The culture which the church has been called to influence accepts the murder of infants as moral.  Part of that spiritual battle does involve voting for leaders who will fight to make "abortion" illegal, but the harder part of the battle is setting the vocabulary of the argument back on its head to the people in our circles. According to lifesitenews.com, a poll conducted by the Knights of Columbus says that 51% of Americans think that abortion should either be illegal under all circumstances or legal only in instances of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother. That means that 49% either are undecided or believe it is ok to murder a baby.  We have a lot of work to do. Today we have a popular culture that praises environmentalists and paints pro-lifers as "crazies."  It's time for the church to say, "forget the trees. Save the babies.ÂÂ" One of the most powerful pro-life movies I’ve ever seen is “Tilly.â€Â A film version of Frank Peretti’s acclaimed fictional book and audio drama, “Tillyâ€Â tenderly and compassionately explores the issue of life with a message of love and forgiveness.  “Tillyâ€Â is a compelling movie that has gently touched people’s hearts and changed their lives. It is a must see for those on both sides of the pro-life debate! Order a copy of Tilly today to show to your friends, family, and church group.  Believe me, it will touch lives! Click here to order Tilly on DVD. To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson
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