Purpose Statement: What We Believe

By: American Decency Staff

As part of our bylaws we include the following Purpose Statement.

Purpose Statement – What We Believe:

The American Decency Association is an overtly Christian organization directed by a Biblical worldview. We believe that God’s desire for His people is that they be not conformed to this world, rather, transformed by the renewing of their minds unto Christ. Being a light in a darkened world does not imply a selfish retreat from that world, but an activism within it proceeding from love for God and our neighbor.

How has that purpose unfolded in day-to-day ministry?  Below are just some of the on-going ministry efforts, the special projects, and activism we’ve been engaged in within 2012.

We provide resources to assist others to be a “light in a darkened world,” through:

*   Researching and writing daily email alerts, reaching tens of thousands of people across America, that encourage, inform, challenge and rally hearts, giving tools and opportunities for activism.  We regularly
prepare and provide a “take action” link in our daily emails, allowing readers practical tools to respond to the various societal issues in which we are engaged – contacting advertisers, retailers, government leaders, etc.

*   Our website, updated daily, offers a wealth of information and resources advancing the battle for righteousness and an individual pursuit of holiness.  Included on our site are: action alerts, a recommended reading list of timely articles updated daily, informative video clips, and access to our “ADA store” featuring numerous educational resources.

*   Writing and compiling our monthly newsletter that we hope is not only informative, but also challenging and edifying on a variety of timely issues such as: pornography, homosexuality, indecency in enter-tainment, attacks upon religious liberty, the threat of radical Islam, the undermining of marriage and family and the push for gay marriage.

*  The production of a monthly church bulletin insert, American Decency Update, providing articles to exhort and encourage Christians.  Our insert is free to download from our website or is mailed upon request for church use.

*  Educational and spiritual resources useful for the building up of individuals and the church in relationship to the spiritual battle in which we are engaged.  This past year we’ve distributed countless resources such as One Nation Under God; Agenda: Grinding America Down; America’s Godly Heritage; Why Christians Must Vote and many others.  These are all distributed at or below our cost.

For example, we distributed over 3,000 DVD copies of One Nation Under God and Why Christians Must Vote this past year and gave away many of them free of charge or asked just the cost of shipping of these vitally important messages.

 In addition to these ongoing activities, with the help of God and your support, this past year has given us opportunity to take stands on numerous and varied issues and concerns, some of which are listed below:

 *  Began a one minute radio program “A Decency Minute” that currently airs nationally, Monday – Friday,on Sirius XM’s “Family Talk” satellite radio and also airs in West Michigan on American Family Radio (91.7 FM).  This broadcast gives a tremendous opportunity to speak into the hearts and minds of listeners on a variety of spiritual and salt and light topics.

 *  Continued our aggressive television monitoring against targeted shows and influenced the cancellation of All American Muslim, Are You There, Chelsea?, and GCB after numerous corporations dropped their ads.

 Our monitoring list in 2012 has included:  All American Muslim; the debauched Are You There, Chelsea?GCB – (“Good Christian B—ches”) – blatant Christian bigotry; Sister Wives which promotes polygamy; Glee  – targeting our youth; The New Normal – pushing the gay agenda; the perverse Fox shows –  Family Guy,  American Dad, and The Cleveland Show; Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt. 23; and numerous others.  Staff members monitor the programs for content, make record of the advertisers, research corporate contact information and email addresses, and update our advertiser database.  We warn parents and viewers of concerning content and urge corporations not to support destructive, immoral messages with their advertising.

*  Informed and educated on the threat of radical Islam, stealth Jihad, and the insidious efforts to slowly implement Sharia Law within our judicial system.

*  Worked diligently within the boundaries of our C(3) non-profit status to encourage Christians to register to vote and to vote for biblical values during the 2012 election season and distributed over 4,000 voter guides locally.

*  Made concerted efforts to rally pastors (sadly, with little success) encouraging them to speak into the issues of the day in keeping with God’s Word  and urge their congregation to be salt and light in the culture and political arenas.

*  Held our annual summer event featuring Curtis Bowers, producer of the powerful documentary Agenda:  Grinding America Down, and Rev. Don Wildmon, Founder of American Family Association.  Both stirring presentations were enthusiastically received. 

*  Hosted a conference of grave importance on the topic of “Political Islam, Sharia Law, and the American Constitution,” featuring premier experts Frank Gaffney and William Wagner.  This was a rare opportunity to learn about this vital concern and the large audience in attendance most definitely had their eyes opened to this stealthy, yet very real, threat America is facing today.  The overwhelming response was very affirming. 

*  Targeted JC Penney for their embrace of the homosexual agenda with their Mother’s Day and Father’s Day ads promoting lesbian and gay parents.  Shed light on other corporations also pushing the homosexual agenda such as Starbucks, General Mills, Walt Disney World, Google, Fifth Third Bank, and UPS through their corporate policies. Opposed Macy’s policy which allows transgender men to change in women’s dressing rooms.

*  Personally monitored the Detroit area Motor City Pride homosexual parade to determine corporate sponsorship.  Having discovered that Fifth Third Bank was a major sponsor of this event, we researched the company to discover that Fifth Third Bancorp has a long record of endorsing and promoting the homosexual agenda. This was of special concern to ADA as our ministry bank accounts had been with Fifth Third Bank for decades.  After several futile communications both with our local bank and the corporate headquarters, ADA closed its accounts with Fifth Third and raised this concern via our newsletter.  We know of numerous others who closed their accounts with Fifth Third as a result – including an area church which  is raising this concern with other churches within its denomination!

 *  Raised alarm and educated others about the highly concerning, moral relativistic themes of the widely-popular movie, The Hunger Games.  Of great concern was the embrace of this secular-humanistic film by the Christian community.  Movie Guide echoed our concern by describing The Hunger Games as exceptionally dark movie where the audience literally watches as children kill each other in a bloody maniacal fashion …”

 *  Responded to current events and issues that arise on a variety of fronts – sexual trafficking, the homosexual agenda, Internet pornography, the sanctity of life, attacks upon family and marriage, etc. 

*  Continued to stand against the display of the pornographic Cosmopolitan magazine in family shopping centers, urging our readers to speak out in the places they shop. 

*  Opposed corporations such as Hardee’s/Carl Jr. restaurants and Victoria’s Secret for their extremely erotic advertising ploys. 

*  Monitored and spoke out against the salacious “Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show” aired yearly on CBS, urging corporations not to sponsor it. 

*  Have faithfully opposed the yearly pornographic Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, urging businesses not to carry it and targeting the advertisers that empower it.  Dr. Mary Anne Layden, Director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology program at the University of Pennsylvania, has personally thanked us for being virtually the only national ministry to speak out regarding this concern. 

*  Continued to shed light on the pornographic objectification of women.  For example, we urged concerned citizens to contact The Panama City, Florida Tourism Council in response to their promotion of a “Bikini Parade” to draw tourists to their city. *  Monitor the Super Bowl advertisements each year, shedding light on the corporations using sex and lewdness to sell products during this family event. 

*  Reach out to this generation via social media with an American Decency presence on Facebook and Twitter. *   Was given opportunity to speak before several Michigan churches with a salt and light message.

 *  Spoke with and gave counsel to numerous individuals who sought our help regarding a personal struggle with pornography or have a spouse or family member who are struggling with this concern.  These calls came as a direct result of our radio broadcast, church bulletin insert, or daily email alerts. Keeping a list of recommended Christian counselors who specialize in this area, we also refer individuals to a professional counselor.

 *  At the request of a local concerned citizen, testified at a city council hearing in Mt. Pleasant, MI regarding a gay rights ordinance.  Out of hundreds in attendance, Bill Johnson, representing ADA, was  the only one who spoke in opposition. 

*  Continued our biweekly “Free Movie Nights” showing thought-provoking, informative documentaries and inspiring family films in our auditorium.  Outreach is broad across our county and beyond as visitors have traveled 30+ miles to attend.  Examples of films shown include:  October Baby; Sarah’s Choice; The Grace Card; Flag of Our Father; IndoctriNation:  Public Schools and the Decline of Education in America; Kirk Cameron’s Monumental; 2016: Obama’s America. 

Other details regarding movies:  2016: Obama’s America drew our largest attendance for a single showing with over 160 attendees at our evening showing.   We also showed 2016: Obama’s America as a Friday afternoon matinee with 62 in attendance.  We then had a powerful and very meaningful discussion afterward.  It was clear that many were ministered to. We also used this movie and others as a vehicle to distribute voter guides.  A number of new people signed up to receive our email alerts, newsletters, etc.

The prolife film Sarah’s Choice  was shown in correlation with the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and an offering was taken to support a local Right to Life group which was invited to present information after the movie showing. 

The Friday following the presidential election we showed our DVD recording of Frank Gaffney from our event “Political Islam, Sharia Law, and the American Constitution” with a matinee and evening showing. This was quickly planned and timed to allow kindred spirits to come together after the election.  Several people asked for many copies of the Gaffney DVD to distribute it.  During the discussion time following the Gaffney DVD showing, a 76 year old former Marine whom we’d never met shared his love and concern for children, family and nation.  He was a patriot who clearly loved the Lord, weeping for our        nation’s lack of discernment – he needed to get it off of his chest.  With him was his granddaughter, a young high school student, also burdened over what is happening in our country.  This teen shared her heartache that a teacher mocked her subject choice when she said she wanted to write a research paper on terrorism.  Fellow students in the critique time after the oral presentation of her paper thought it funny that she would write on terrorism.  This teen asked to get involved in community service with ADA.

*  Offered numerous simulcast conferences in our auditorium, including:  Chuck Colson’s Breaking the Spiral of Silence and Men of Honor featuring the producers of the film Courageous.

 * Continued our annual organization of a community National Day of Prayer event and also hosted a Fourth of July commemoration.

 *  ADA’s Bill Johnson  was the featured speaker at a National Day of Prayer breakfast event in Coldwater, Michigan which included nearly 80 individuals including state and local government officials and public school administrators.

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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