Pornography does destroy

By: American Decency Staff

Pornography does destroy.  How can anyone deny that?  Yet, there are certainly those that do deny that. We all are impacted by what we watch, listen to and are entertained by. Why else would large corporations spend millions of dollars on 60 second and even 30 second television ads.  But they do.  And you can be sure they don’t display those expensive ads for the purposes of entertainment but rather to impact the buying patterns of millions of people who they know will be watching a particular television program or sporting event. Drinking and driving was once contested as well, but the evidence became clear through the work of organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving that there is a clear linkage between drinking and impaired driving.  And now since at least the mid 1980s, police officers, in filing their accident reports, make determination as to whether alcohol consumption played a role in the accident and/or fatality. Morality in Media, based in New York City, produced a powerful 17 page report written by Dr. Victor Cline regarding the pervasive and detrimental impact of pornography. Dr. Cline reported the following, quoting: “I have treated, over many years, approximately 300 sex addicts, sex offender, or other individuals (96% male) with sexual illnesses.  With only several exceptions, pornography has been a major or minor contributor or facilitator in the acquisition of their deviation or sexual addiction….â€Â For a free copy (while supplies last) of Dr. Victor Cline’s account regarding Pornography’s effects on Adults and Children call the American Decency Association office toll free at 1-888-733-2326 or email us at and ask for the Cline report. ======================================================= Every Man’s Battle – DVD – $20.00 Click Here to order this DVD In this world you’re surrounded by sexual images that open the door to temptation. They’re everywhere–on TV, billboards, magazines, music, the internet–and so easy to access that it sometimes feels impossible to escape their clutches. Yet God expects his children to be sexually pure. So how can you survive the relentless battle against temptation? Here’s powerful ammunition. Steve Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, the authors of the hard-hitting best-seller Every Man’s Battle, now focus on the temptations young single Christian men like you face every day–and they offer workable, biblical strategies for achieving sexual purity. The authors examine the standard of Ephesians 5:3–“there must not be even a hint of sexual immoralityâ€Ââ€“in a positive and sensitive light. And they explain how an authentic, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ is the key to victory over temptation. Every Young Man’s Battle will show you how to train your eyes and your mind, how to clean up your thought life, and how to develop a realistic battle plan for remaining pure in today’s sexually soaked culture. As a result, you’ll experience hope–real hope–for living a strong, pure life God’s way. ======================================================= To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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