ObamaCare is the law of the land: Boehner says House will not appeal

By: American Decency Staff

 House Speaker John Boehner, the highest ranking Republican in Washington, has declared, “ObamaCare is the law of the land.”

ABC’s Diane Sawyer asked Boehner if he would continue to try to repeal the health care bill in the president’s second term.

“I think the election changes that,” Boehner replied. “It’s pretty clear that the president was re-elected. ObamaCare is the law of the land.”

He added that there “may be parts of it that we believe need to be changed,” but he had made “no decisions at this point” whether to rescind those specific provisions. 

The health care reform bill’s most infamous mandate requires virtually all employers to fund abortion-inducing drugs, as well as contraception and sterilization. Another provision allows insurance companies to cover abortion with a $1 surcharge

The statement signaled a massive change from the Speaker’s campaign rhetoric. In July, he said the bill “has to be ripped out by its roots.” The House voted on ObamaCare’s repeal more than 30 times, only to see momentum stall in the Democrat-controlled Senate. 

The post-election Speaker promised bipartisanship and compromise.

Read More: http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/39obamacare-is-the-law-of-the-land39-boehner-says-house-will-not-repeal

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