News beginnings after the election? It needs to be.

By: American Decency Staff

By Bill Johnson

Recently we hosted a conference at the Grand Rapids Hilton on “Political Islam, Sharia Law, and the American Constitution.”  As you know this concern has increasingly come on my radar.  I want it to be on yours as well.   Why?

The reasons were laid out powerfully at the well attended conference to a rapt audience of over 175 attendees. 

1.  The threat upon America is far more than the oft mentioned Al Qaeda – the violent jihad reported on the international scene.

2.  The threat is within (very much within) and it goes largely unreported.  The threat is with the Muslim Brotherhood and its many offshoots and Muslim group affiliations that have been subversively working in and throughout our country for many years.

3.  The efforts of these many Muslim groups can be properly termed “Civilization Jihad.”  It is a patient warfare that goes unreported and is largely ignored as they assimilate and practice sedition.

Here is a very short list of the multiplicity of Muslim Brotherhood “friendship groups.”

ISNA – Islamic Society of North America
MSA – Muslim Student Association
IMA – Islamic Medical Association
ITC – Islamic Teaching Center
ATP – American Trust Publications
IBS – Islamic Book Service
MYNA – Muslim Youth of North America
CAIR – Counsel on American Islamic Relations
OIC – Organization of Islamic Conference

4.  Frank Gaffney was one of the presenters at  our  conference.  In  his  presentation (available both on DVD and on our webpage at, Gaffney shows  pictures and gives descriptions of numerous individuals who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood with known connections with terrorists who are also working with policy makers in our government.  One of those individuals is Huma Abedin who is and has been Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff for a number of years.  Huma Abedin, has three family members — her late father, her mother, and her brother — connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. Her position affords her routine access to the Secretary of State and to policy-making. Space limits me from expanding upon this one individual. 

5.  The Muslim Brotherhood has been unleashing their strategy for years and American leadership and its citizenry remain “willfully blind.”  Here is a portion of their documented strategies:

*   Keep the infidels ignorant of the true
       nature and progress of Shariah
*  Prohibit “Blasphemy” and “Slander”
       [like in the recent Libyan video sham]
*    Demand concessions
*    Utilize educational vehicles
*    Interfaith “Dialogue”
*    Shariah-Compliant Finance
*    Insinuate Shariah into U.S. courts
*  Place Muslim Brothers into positions
      from which they can exercise influence

6.   Because of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence from within, even our military has succumbed to politically correct cowardliness exemplified by the characterizing of the killing of 13 U.S. Soldiers at Fort Hood as workplace violence instead of what it was: terrorism!  

7. At our Grand Rapids conference on Saturday, October 20, Frank Gaffney showed a slide and documented the fact that the Palestinian wife of influential conservative financial leader Grover Norquist has been making efforts to find inroads into the Romney camp in an attempt to influence. Some of her positions:

* Supports the ground zero mosque, and  attacked Republicans who opposed it.
*  Works to cut U.S. Defenses
*  Promotes Iranian regime in:
* cutting off support to its opposition, blocking new sanctions, and preventing military attack to stop Iran’s nuclear program

The new election will be a new beginning, or will it? No matter who wins the presidency there are great forces from within with which to contend.  Can you see that?

I urge you with perhaps the strongest urgings I ever have to educate yourself on the Muslim Brotherhood, Shariah, CAIR, ISNA, and the seditious attacks that are upon the U.S. Constitution and pray for discernment. This is a spiritual battle.

Don’t take my word for it.  That’s why we’re making available to you inexpensive resources so you may not be as most Americans:  unknowing and apathetic as our culture is being destroyed from within. 

Watch the conference presentations online at  Click on “Video” and you will see the presentations by Frank Gaffney and William Wagner. 

Or go to the ADA store and purchase the DVD of these timely presentations..


Other resources that flow from this significant event include Gaffney’s book published by Center for Security Policy Press.

You can order it online at our store at:

If you would prefer to watch William Wagner’s and Frank Gaffney’s messages via DVD, it can be ordered online at the link above.

In addition, I urge to watch Frank Gaffney’s  acclaimed training series on the Muslim Brotherhood in America.  This website got me up to speed very quickly regarding the serious threat of Shariah that is advancing silently but surely.   I urge you to watch it.  You need to understand what Gaffney provides on this well done

To those of you who have the ability to download informational programs on your cell phone, computer, or mp3 player, I encourage you to download Frank Gaffney’s daily radio program at:


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