Sunday night TLC aired the mid-season finale of “Sister Wives.” Since the show premiered in the fall of 2010, polygamy has been portrayed as an acceptable “alternative lifestyle” – bent on loosening taboos and attempting to make acceptable that which is not.
Companies which have stubbornly continued to sponsor this promotion of polygamy are: Subway, Burger King, Chattem (Act Mouthwash), Arm & Hammer, Hershey’s, Geico, Unilever (Vaseline), International Delights coffee, and Fage yogurt.
New sponsors include Minute Maid orange juice (Coca-Cola), Weight Watchers, Denny’s restaurant, Cymbalta, and Travelocity.
Take action! Click here to let these advertisers know you will not support companies that sponsor the legitimization of polygamy.
The family featured in “Sister Wives” goes to great lengths to present the so-called benefits of group marriage, trying to shake the stigma of polygamy and portray it as just a normal lifestyle choice.
Sunday night’s two hour season finale concluded with NBC’s Natalie Morales sitting down for an hour-long interview with Kody Brown and his four “wives.” Morales also interviewed the five oldest teenage children (approximately 16 – 18 years old).
Earlier in the series one of the wives stated: “These kids are just normal kids. … We’re normal and … we’re just a family. I’m hoping that this will be something that frees the kids from living in secrecy. … (To be able to say,) “’this is who I am’.”
Demonstrating that the law of God is written on the hearts of all humankind, it seems as if the Brown children aren’t buying into the 18 years of indoctrination they’re received telling them that “this is who they are.”
When NBC’s Morales interviewed the five oldest kids, all but one rejected polygamy, stating they would not choose a polygamous lifestyle. One after another stated they would have only one spouse. Logan, the oldest who is heading off to college, voiced his distaste for polygamy, stating: “I have no spiritual testimony of it (polygamy), or any logical explanation for a good reason to do it.”
Finally, the truth comes out! Kind of like the child telling the emperor he has no clothes, these kids revealed to their parents that the perverted lifestyle they’ve lived and subjected their children to is bogus.
Innate in our very being, for those whose consciences haven’t been warped and deadened, is a knowledge of right and wrong. And the concept being portrayed by this “family” is unnatural and wrong – and these kids see that.
Despite the sweetness and light the show has tried to portray, the interview by NBC’s Morales reveals strife, bitterness, and hard feelings between the “wives” that has festered throughout the nearly 20 years of their polygamous relationship.
In the interview of Kody we discover he had lots of girlfriends as a teenager. Perhaps not all that surprising of a revelation since he now has four “wives” and continues to act like an adolescent. Kody says as a youth he was trying to figure out who he was and his “calling.”
Morales asks him, “So it wasn’t that you chose religion to be a womanizer?”
Poor Kody is shocked at the label “womanizer” and replies, “Is that what you think I am, a womanizer?”
He goes on to defend himself, insisting, “I was never womanizing. … This is not an open marriage.”
He’s right about one thing – what he and his four “wives” have is NOT marriage!
Saying something is true doesn’t make it so – God is the only source of Truth and His definition of marriage is what we must defend from all attacks – from saccharinely sweet polygamists and strident proponents of gay marriage. May we not back down from declaring the truth that even teenage children of polygamists can see – the only true marriage is between one man and one woman.
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