A look back and a look ahead. With so many distractions, many don’t take time.This is dangerous. We need to understand the times in order to know what to do!
I was listening to a radio talk show this morning. There was an excellent discussion with an expert on American demographics and politics – looking ahead to the elections of 2016.
Too, there was the recognition that America is embattled and that we will never return to the America of old; that people who are feeding from the government trough are clearly on the increase. We know that and we are very concerned regarding the serious implications of an expanding government and increasing taxes.
In addition, I read an article on Town Hall today that discussed several reasons to be optimistic as we look ahead. I can appreciate those who still are hopeful despite so many reasons not to be.
However, one thing that particularly concerns me is the massive tendency of the American people and especially our government leadership that is so willfully blind to the massive spread and threat of the Muslim Brotherhood. What especially gulls me is there is ample evidence that this administration and earlier administrations act as if there is nothing to fear regarding the placement of Muslim Brotherhood officials in high ranking positions.
With so many distractions, we still need to be attentive as much as possible to the very, very real threat posed by Muslim Brotherhood.
There are numerous policy changes that should concern us greatly. Yet, the mainstream media won’t report them. Politicians, except for only a small handful, will try to bring it out (Michelle Bachman, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Thomas Rooney, Lynn Westmoreland ). But when they do, they’re attacked for being extremists.
Here are a few of those policy concerns:
Referring to the terrorist (Islamist) killings at Fort Hood as workplace violence instead of terrorism. This IS an outrage.
Sequestration – the cutting of our military budget by half a trillion dollars in a time when the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qaeda Hezbollah, China and Russia are in expansion.
Israel – Is America pro-Egypt? Pro-Morsi? Pro-Israel? If you aren’t paying attention to what is unfolding here, I urge you too.
So much, much more can be said and should be said but simply isn’t being reported.
There are those reporting with courage and objectivity. We are living in a day though where you have to look beyond mainstream media and look to either individuals, blogs and particular ministries or conservative Christian news outlets to find honest reporting.
One such article came this morning. The article was in regard to Jeb Bush’s possibly running for president in 2016. The writer gives a strong perspective as to why Jeb Bush is problematic.
The title gives a hint as to what the concern is. I suggest you read it.
Does Jeb Bush CAIR too much to be President?
I also recommend a web link that I watched recently with a brief message conveyed by Frank Gaffney speaking to a gathering in Los Angeles. He urges attendees to use their influence to make a difference in America and for American security.
I urge you to watch it and listen to the empassioned warning from this good man.
See: By allowing Obama to endanger Israel, we are at the cusp of the next horrific war.
For those of you who are readers, we have a limited number of books from Center for Security Policy entitled: Shariah The Threat to America
It was strongly recommended to me by speakers at Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC. I read it and can say without reservation that I found their recommendations to be true!
We are making it available at the low price of $7.00. It is 352 pages long.
Here is a very short list of the chapters:
What is Shariah
Shariah and Jihad
The Muslim Brotherhood: The Threat Doctrine Operationalized
Other Shariah-Adherent Organizations
Many others
Click here to order on line.
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