Jesus was/IS involved in politics. Why aren’t you?
By: American Decency Staff
We’ll be gathering with nearly 3000 people as the troops are rallied by a power-packed lineup of speakers including: Paul Ryan, Michele Bachmann, Gov. Jan Brewer (Arizona), Gary Bauer, Mat Staver, Ted Cruz, Sen. Jim DeMint, Gen. William Boykin, Sen. Rand Paul, Kirk Cameron and many others.
Below I’m quoting from a man born in Ghana and who grew up in Sudan and Yemen. He’s a first generation American immigrant. I first heard him at last year’s Value Voter Summit at American Family Association’s luncheon session. Those in my circle deeply appreciated this man’s powerful presentation. His name is Neil Mammen.
Quoting :
With so many Christians not voting, do you see that this battle is actually just among Christians? If Christians can educate and encourage enough others to vote and that too, to vote morally and biblically, we can change this country in a single election cycle. And if we do, the dire trends we see will be stopped and reversed. But this must start in our churches. For if churches and pastors do not teach how God’s moral values should affect our political appointments, all we be lost. If they do, we can move mountains. …