NBC’s family hour sitcom, “Are You There, Chelsea?â€Â is shocking in the extreme levels of crudity that fills the show from beginning to end. Each episode repeats the same vulgar themes. As a New York Post reviewer stated: “… As a sitcom, it’s grim. I mean, how funny is it to watch an alcoholic, going-nowhere pub waitress get drunk daily and have sex with anyone who’ll have her?â€Â Take Action! Click here to let the advertisers of the raunchy “Are You There, Chelsea?â€Â know that you will not support companies that empower such degrading shows. Also, forward this to your family and friends asking them to express their concern, as well. The review above described the two recurring themes of each episode – getting drunk and having sex with anyone. However, in last night’s episode Chelsea actually tries to get out of sex – because the guy was too emotionally sensitive. The man actually spoke positively of marriage, commitment, and fatherhood, and shed tears when hearing the song “Butterfly Kissesâ€Â – a song about a Christian dad and his daughter. Commitment?? This was too extreme for Chelsea (and NBC). You see, the message being given each week by NBC via “Are You There, Chelsea?â€Â is that sex is nothing more than a recreational activity having no more significance than a handshake. So the show ridicules – and sets to uproarious laugh tracks – the idea of monogamy and intimacy. In essence NBC tells teenage viewers: anonymous sex is hip and good; commitment and abstinence before marriage are laughable and strange. While the ratings for “Are You There, Chelsea?â€Â continue to drop – putting this show at the bottom of the heap of network TV shows –the raunchiness only increases. In last night’s episode one example out of many gives evidence of the extreme lewd content filling this 8:30 pm show: Chelsea offers to have sex with the man who will be interviewing her friend for a job – saying that’s how she’s gotten jobs in the past and how she got the nickname – Ms. Take-it-in-the-bottom.   This is what passes for entertainment during the family hour on NBC?? References to sodomy? Please stand with us and hold accountable the advertisers that sponsored this filth! JC Penney has sponsored the last five episodes of  this show – labeled the worst show on network television by us at ADA and by other groups. JC Penney – a corporation dependent upon family shoppers – now seems bent on offending and undermining the values of those families. Take Action! Click here to let the advertisers of the raunchy “Are You There, Chelsea?â€Â know that you will not support companies that empower such degrading shows. ========================================================== To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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