Hollywood Won 2012?

By: American Decency Staff

http://townhall.com/columnists/brentbozell/2012/11/09/hollywood_won_2012The television industry loves to claim that all of the sex, violence and foul-mouthed language it displays has zero harmful effects on children. On the other hand, they would never dream of telling their advertisers that their paid messages on TV have no effect. So does the entertainment industry have an impact or doesn't it?

The answer is that Tinseltown certainly has an effect, and when that effect is felt in the political arena, the hell with pretending they don't. They openly celebrate.

After the 2012 election, the surprising (if narrow) victories for liberals drew a thumbs-up commentary from former Washington Post reporter Sharon Waxman at The Wrap website. She credited Hollywood.

"Hollywood should be euphoric today. The entertainment industry woke up to election results that reflect a country a lot more like the fictional place they've been depicting on screens large and small for decades: more ethnically diverse, more gay-friendly, with powerful women and where it's just fine to light up a spliff."

The black president won re-election, alongside the first openly lesbian U.S. senator. Voters approved gay marriage referendums in four states and marijuana legalization measures in two states. Waxman added exit poll numbers for minorities: Latinos voted for Obama by 75 to 23 and Asians by 73 to 26. "The affirmation of liberal values in this election is remarkable," she claimed.

Waxman conceded that almost half the country voted for Mitt Romney. She guessed: "The rejection of the Republican Party agenda was more of a factor than an embrace of left-wing values."

Read More: http://townhall.com/columnists/brentbozell/2012/11/09/hollywood_won_2012

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