Second: Many of you share our concern regarding Hardees incessant use of sex in their advertising! You may have seen a very recent email alert datedSeptember 6 entitled: “Hardees at it again.” Click here to read about Hardee’s continued use of pornographic imagery in their ads.
However, Due to a website issue that has since been resolved our Hardees “take action” letter inadvertently wasn’t working. I’m urging you to click on the action link and let Hardees know of your disgust with their use of eroticism to entice consumers.Click here
Third: In our email alert yesterday entitled Combating a spirit of “I’m not going to vote”, we created a pamphlet using the same title. This brochure is available in PDF form. We urge you to make copies and share it with others and/or forward it to others. Click here to download the pamphlet.
In addition, we created a church bulletin insert that is also available in PDF form. Click here to download the church bulletin insert. We urge you to take and use these valuable resources.
We are also making available free of charge a twenty minute DVD taken from the two hour DVD “One Nation Under God.” I’ve entitled it “Why Christians Must Vote” with David Barton.
As a step to help bring God back to the center of American life, American Decency Association is distributing this significant DVD, “Why Christians Must Vote,” free of charge.
We urge you to order this complimentary DVD and show it to your friends and family, Sunday School class or church group. Once you view this powerful DVD for yourself, we believe you will definitely want to share it with others.
Let's encourage one another and strengthen one another to be salt and light.
American Decency Association
Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050