Google: Making Our Morals Their Business

By: American Decency Staff



With their new “Legalize Love” campaign, Google has become the latest – and likely the largest – corporation to make our morals their business. Google’s new initiative is to hone in on nations and cultures which have not accepted homosexuality as the new normal. The massive company seeks to “eliminate homophobia around the world.”

While the social stands of companies like Nabisco and General Mills are concerning enough when they seek to rewrite their customers’ consciences, Count Chocula and all his cereal cohorts combined could not compare to the kind of influence enjoyed by the gay culture’s new Goliath.

Take Action! Click here to urge Google to stop imposing their own values on Google customers.


In many ways, Google is modern technology. After all, the words, “Google it,” is a phrase almost universally recognized and understood (at least in America) whereas a decade ago, it would have simply been gibberish. YouTube is the primary source for all your silly cat video needs. Gmail is arguably the only respected free email provider. Android based phones are the highest selling smart phones in the world. Google Maps is the most efficient way to get lost while being totally convinced that you know where you’re going.

While Google has its competitors in each of its many facets, none of them fill as many technological niches and unfortunately, most of its competitors simply don’t do the same tasks as well.

“Here’s the dilemma,” according to the’s Emer O’Toole who, while obviously coming from the opposite viewpoint as ADA’s, manages to highlight the problem with these companies trying to imprint their values on their customers, “I’m shouting ‘Google rocks!’ from the rooftops because the company is using its power to initiate change that I believe to be humanistic, tolerant and ethical. But what if it wasn’t? What if an equally powerful company tried to lobby governments to curtail gay rights for the benefit of its anti-homosexual employees, or to limit maternity rights based on libertarian principles, or to suppress affirmative action programmes based on the totally excellent ‘it’s discrimination against rich whities’ argument? If this were the case, I’d have to seriously consider ways in which to change my consumer behaviour. I’d have to take a long, hard think about the powers corporations have, the powers they should have, and about the logic of democracy.”


Even some of those who would disagree vehemently with us traditional-marriage-supporting Bible thumpers have to admit that a company which seeks to reeducate its clientele in matters of right and wrong is overreaching.

Google is “proud to be recognized as a leader in LGBT inclusion efforts, but there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality.” But why? Isn’t it enough to be proud to provide the best search engine, email, phones, etc. for their users no matter their “sexual orientation?”

As we say in the “take action” link below, what gives Google, a technology company, the right to tell people what’s right and wrong?

Take Action! Click here to urge Google to stay out of the culture war.

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