How can we expect God’s blessing upon America when we refuse to honor Him at heated points of contention?
God has been so gracious to America. How can we not see that?
With what we have allowed to be piped over our airwaves for generation upon generation, for our aborted babies and now, most recently under President Obama the major assault upon Biblical marriage – flying in the face of a Holy God.
A special thanks to Randy who emailed me the following:
From the Bible (1st Corinthians: Chapter 6 verses 9, 10, 11 says)
New King James version
9. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites,
10. nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
11. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
I used to wonder how it could be that Sodom and Gomorrah became Sodom and Gomorrah. In other words, how could it be that there were only something like 10 righteous people remaining in that depraved land. [Genesis 19].
Increasingly, we are getting a sense of that more and more. I surmise something like the following: intimidation, lethargy, apathy, fear, not wanting to be seen as judgmental, or “not with it”, accommodation.
In our case – in America today, we also have the addition of television and the many programs that have been rolled out upon us since 1996 or so. Coming this fall (now being heavily advertised is NBC’s “The New Normal”.
For your perspective, here is an article from the Washington Times; USA Today in January 1996 (reprinted by AFA Journal, March 1996): Entitled:
Networks, sponsors, bombard viewers with pro-homosexual TV
“America’s most powerful influence makers have intensified their public relations blitz aimed at convincing Americans that homosexual behavior is normal and, more specifically, that homosexual “marriage” should be legalized.
In what USA Today has called “the gayest TV season in memory,” network programmers – subsidized by well-known companies – have become more and more bold in their homosexual advocacy.
“It is amazing to see two gay weddings within a month on two big sitcoms. It seems like they’re trying to push some buttons. Even in the gay community, a full-on-same-sex marriage is a minority kind of thing,” said Rob Greenblatt, executive vice president of development for Fox. “It is 1996, and little by little everybody has gotten a little less afraid of the old taboos.”
And push and push some more the networks have done and are relentlessly doing. And, man’s fallen nature is targeted. Our weakness, our fear to stand alone, our failure to trust in God even though we know that His Word is True!!
The late, great Christian author, thinker, writer, and theologian Francis Schaeffer stated it this way in his book “The Great Evangelical Disaster” (1984) –
Here is the great evangelical disaster – the failure of the evangelical world to stand for truth as truth. There is only one word for this namely accommodation: the evangelical church has accommodated to the world spirit of this age. First, there has been accommodation on Scripture, so that many who call themselves evangelicals hold a weakened view of the Bible and no longer affirm the truth of all the Bible teaches – truth not only in religious matters but in areas of science and history and morality. …
And second, there has been accommodation on the issues, with no clear stand being taken even on matters of life and death.
This accommodation has been costly, first in destroying the power of the Scriptures to confront the spirit of our age; further in allowing the further slide of our culture. Thus we must say with tears that it is the evangelical accommodation to the world spirit around us, to the wisdom of this age, which removes the evangelical church from standing against the further breakdown of our culture. It is my firm belief that when we stand before Jesus Christ, we will find that it has been the weakness and accommodation of the evangelical group on the issues of the day that has been largely responsible for the loss of the Christian ethos which has taken place in the area of culture in our own country over the last forty to sixty years (now 60 to 80 years).
I quote the above with heaviness of heart and great concern for what lies ahead.
I want to thank a number of you who wrote us last week sharing that you care deeply as we do and that you get it! Our God and His Word is our guide, our shield, and our sword! Suffice it for now just to share with you one of these comments:
Thank you for loving the Lord and not being afraid to stand up for modesty, traditional marriage, and all things that honor God. I pray more men will take a stand for righteousness, as you have done. There is so much more I want to say, but please know that you are appreciated and supported and prayed for in our family. Thank you, and may God bless you!
God’s Word is where we must take our stand. God help us. Many that follow after us need Christian adults to not succumb to the intimidation, the accommodation, the networks, or the liberal church that molds the Bible into a word that is not God’s Word.
Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:29
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with your whole heart. – Jeremiah 29:13
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