Fight to win but never forget the main mission

By: Chris Johnson

A personal note: We are organized and in ministry for one reason and one main reason only (though there are many secondary ones as well):   To bring glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. He brought me out of darkness.  I was heading toward greater confusion, pornography addiction and godlessness. I’m not heading this ministry for feel good reasons or as a “do gooderâ€Â but because I have been saved by the blood of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ. I say this not because I am responding to a particular criticism, but because it needs to be restated on occasion. God is real. His Truth is True.  He is righteous.   The only righteousness that I have is because I am righteous through His washing of me with His cleansing, shed blood! I am under no illusions regarding the depravity of our individual natures and of the desperate situation that our nation is in.  None whatsoever!  I don’t expect my daily labors or the labors of any ministry to win so-called victory after victory until our country is turned back to the Lord. It doesn’t work that way.  Nonetheless, we aren’t called to let our households, churches, communities, state and nation degrade into reprobation. To that end, we can be salt and light in the corners where the Lord has placed us.  Loving God, loving our fellow man, our children, grandchildren, mates and serving wherever we can – including in our local churches. Are you saved?  For without the power of God in your life and mine, we do not have the Spirit of God living within us, equipping us, sanctifying us, strengthening us, giving us discernment as to the very will of God. Are you saved?  I pray that you are.  I saw this short quote from the “J.C. Ryle Quotesâ€Â this morning.    Do you have assurances of your salvation in Jesus Christ? Here are the Ten Marks of the Holy Spirit in a believer: 1. The Spirit awakens a person’s heart. 2. The Spirit teaches a person’s mind. 3. The Spirit leads to the Word. 4. The Spirit convinces of sin. 5. The Spirit draws to Christ. 6. The Spirit sanctifies. 7. The Spirit makes a person spiritually minded. 8. The Spirit produces inward conflict. 9. The Spirit makes a person love the brethren. 10. The Spirit teaches a person to pray. These are the great marks of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Put the question to your conscience and ask: Has the Spirit done anything of this kind for your soul? ==================== If you have any doubts about your salvation, I urge you to call upon a friend or loved one or contact me to talk further about this vitally important question and concern.  God bless you each one. ========================================================== To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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