Applauding banners warning families of Gay Day at Disney

By: Steve Huston

A person many of you may never have heard of again took a right stand in recent days.  His name is David Caton.  David is the founder and head of Florida Family Association. For a number of years, David has warned Christian families of “Gay Days at Disneyâ€Â where the day is specially designated for homosexuals at Disney. For years David would use his newsletter and interviews with various media outlets to warn people that if they went to Disney on that particular day in early June – Gay Days at Disney –  that they would be exposed to homosexual conduct and influence. Last year and now this year David hired airplanes to fly banners. “Florida Family Association paid Aerial Messages $12,300 to fly banners warning potential Magic Kingdom guests about Gay Day at Disney scheduled for Saturday, June 2, 2012.   Two planes pulled banners which stated “Warning: Gay Day at Disney 6/2â€Â for 18.5 total hours on Friday, June 1, 2012.  One plane pulled a banner which stated “Warning: Gay Day at Disney 2dayâ€Â for ten hours on Saturday, June 2, 2012.  A second plane flew two hours on Saturday to make up for stormy weather on Friday. In a day when so many curl up inside themselves and act like all is well when all is not well, it is important to made aware of those who stand and stand faithfully as David Caton. Here are some of the results of these positive actions unleashed by David Caton and Florida Family Association: The results of the airplane banner project are reported as follows: Overall attendance appeared to be DOWN another 5% more than last year’s 50% drop in attendance. The Magic Kingdom parking lots had approximately 1,210 fewer cars (11 double rows) compared to last year at the same time of day.  There were less than fifty people on average in line to buy tickets throughout the morning and early afternoon.  See photos below. Gay Day patron attendance was DOWN close to 60% from last year. Their visual presence declined significantly with FAR FEWER red shirts promoting Gay Day.  The most likely reason for this steep decline is because Gay Day patrons felt unwelcome after seeing the airplane banners last year.  Gay Day patrons knew more banners would be at the Magic Kingdom again this year.  This would explain why pro-Gay Day groups hired two planes to pull banners with counter messages.  See photo posted below. Foreign traveler attendance especially from South America was up significantly and almost made up for the entire loss of Gay Day patrons.  Bloomberg reported that Disney is benefitting from a boost in South American tourists with Brazilian tourism alone up by 33% Pilots reported that the parking lots of all of the other parks were FULL whereas the Magic Kingdom had several parking lots that were completely empty. Heavy rain during mid-Friday prevented the planes from flying during a couple of preferred hours, cancelled the in air 1:00 PM press conference and likely caused some people to patronize the Magic Kingdom on Saturday instead of Friday.  Knowing the rain was on the way planes launched almost two hours early and flew until dark to cover as much daylight as possible. Gay Day at Disney still offended many regular families who left early. Numerous cars left the parking lot after families were in the park for just a couple of hours.  On average, eighteen (18) cars per row of one hundred ten (110) left the Magic Kingdom early after being in the park for less than three (3) hours. Several families stood in line at the front gate to complain about the event.  The body language of many other families demonstrated their disappointment as they left the park.  One family, with mom, dad and three children, walked toward a tram to leave the park around 12:30.  They avoided getting on the first available tram car which was all but empty except for one gay couple.  The family briskly walked up to the tram car with a dozen families and climbed on the vehicle.â€Â To read David Caton’s posting click here: Encourage David by dropping him a personalized email.  Just a short word of thanks goes a long way for those fighting the fight so faithfully – going against the politically correct mentality and the lethargy that is so prevalent today. Write David at: ========================================================== To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412. American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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