Very few men have understood the times better than the two speakers that will be with us on Friday, July 27 at 7:00 P.M. at First Baptist, Fremont, MI (just 1 hour north of Grand Rapids).
Those of you receiving this email alert are deeply troubled by the multiple warning signs that are all around us. As a nation, we have been going in the wrong direction rapidly particularly over the last couple of years and specifically from 2008.
II Timothy 3:1-5: But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.
Those characteristics are on full display and more. The late Francis Schaeffer commented in his last book written in 1984 (The Great Evangelical Disaster):
“… In the last sixty years the consensus upon which our culture was built has shifted from one that was largely Christian (though we must say immediately it was far from perfect) to a consensus that stands in total antithesis to Christian truth at every point – including the denial of the supernatural; belief in the all-sufficiency of human reason; the rejection of the fall; denial of the Deity of Christ and his resurrection; belief in the perfectibility of Man; and the destruction of the Bible. And with this has come a nearly total moral breakdown.
We all know that these are perilous times that we are living in. Do we want to understand the ties so we know what positions to take? For this reason we encourage you to gather together with others concerned for our great country and for what lies ahead for us embattled Christians.
Register today for American Decency’s summer event “Understanding the Times” on Friday, July 27 at 7:00 pm featuring keynote speakers Don Wildmon, founder of American Family Association, and Curtis Bowers, producer of “Agenda: Grinding American Down.”
Listed below is the schedule for the evening.
Welcome: Bill Johnson, President, American Decency Association
Invocation: Rev. Ralph Houston, Pastor of Emmanuel Reformed Church, Fennville, MIIntroduction of Special Music:
Special Music by Curtis Bowers’ Children
Introduction of Speaker Speaker: Curtis Bowers, producer of “Agenda”Introduction of the Rev. Donald E. WildmonSpeaker: Don Wildmon
Q&A with speakers
Closing remarks: Bill JohnsonSpecial music with Rev. Buddy Smith, Executive Vice President, American Family Association“Here I Am Lord” accompanied by Robert Azkoul, Calvary Church, Grand RapidsBenediction, Pastor Steve Summerfield, First Baptist Church Fremont, MI
Registration information (click here)
ADA Summer Conference
$10.00 Registration per person
(18 and younger free admittance)
Call 1-888-733-2326
In 2010 Don was honored at the huge gathering in Washington DC, the “Values Voter Summit,” where a few other champions in the faith have also been recognized with the James C. Dobson Vision and Leadership Award. Past recipients include: Jim Dobson, Phyllis Schlafly, Chuck Colson and most recently former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese.
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