Monitored and opposed the propaganda of the TLC’s show, “All American Muslim,” which saught to numb and dispel the very real concern of radical Islam. 87 advertisers did not advertise again after being urged not to align with this show’s message and the network did not renew it for a second season.
Monitored numerous TV shows such as Sister Wives, Glee,2 Broke Girls, Two and a Half Men, Family Guy, American Dad, The Playboy Club – warning parents and viewers of concerning content and urging corporations not to support destructive, immoral messages with their advertising.
Along with other organizations, helped influence the cancellation of the NBC show The Playboy Club after only three episodes. Numerous advertisers dropped their support.
Influenced the cancellation of the NBC show Love Bites after regularly contacting advertisers.
Combated attacks upon traditional marriage by opposing the messages of the show Sister Wives which promotes polygamy, held our local news outlet, WZZM, accountable for their irresponsible reports glamorizing practices such as wife swapping and group “marriage,” and educating readers about what is at stake of marriage between one man and one woman is undermined.
Influenced JC Penney to pull their ads which sexualized young girls with a promise from the company to be more vigilant in advertising.
Shed light upon corporations using explicit eroticism in their mall window displays, television and print ads – such as Victoria’s Secret, Lane Bryant, Spencers, Skechers shoes, and others.
Stood against the display of the pornographic Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition in family shopping centers such as Wal-Mart and Meijer and held accountable those corporations that sponsor the magazine with their advertising.
Took stands on local issues such as opposing a “gay rights” ordinance in an area city, shedding light, and seeking assistance from friends at Liberty Counsel, regarding a school system replacing traditional homecoming King and Queen with gender neutral titles, bowing to the demands of a transsexual girl who wanted to run for King.
Used our auditorium as a host site for numerous simulcast conferences such as Lee Stroebel’s The Case for Christianity, Chuck Colson’s Doing the Right Thing, and David Barton’s In God We Trust.
Annual summer events featuring powerful presentations by national speakers and leaders like Don Wildmon, Gary Bauer, Curtis Bowers and Pam Stenzel.
Reached out locally by offering a bi-weekly family “Free Movie Night.” Beginning with a special New Year’s Eve event, and bi-weekly throughout the winter months, we showed a variety of inspirational films such as the pro-life film Tilly; Facing the Giants; and Amazing Grace, as well as powerful documentaries such as The Erosion of Christian America; Agenda; and TheThird Jihad. (This ministry outreach continues with the recent New Year’s Eve showing of Courageous and bi-weekly Friday night films.)
Responded to current events that arise and concerns on a variety of fronts – sexual trafficking, homosexual agenda, Internet pornography, sexually-oriented businesses, etc.
Developed contact list of 1,000 + pastors across Michigan, set up regional meetings and traveled across the state, reaching out to these pastors in an attempt to mobilize and encourage them to speak into the issues of their day in keeping with God’s Word and urging their congregation to be salt and light in the culture and political arenas. Had opportunities to speak before church and community groups.
Organized our community’s National Day of Prayer, enlisting the participation of area pastors and Christian school choir.
Began a daily one minute radio broadcast airing on Sirius Satellite Radio's "Family Talk" station . This broadcast gives a tremendous opportunity to speak into the hearts and minds of listeners on a variety of spiritual and salt and light topics.
Gave away over 1,000 free "One Nation Under God" DVDs to educate and inspire values voters to participate in elections.
Facilitated a non-partisan call center to encourage values voters to participate in elections.
These accomplishments are the result of the Lord’s blessing on the prayers, action emails, postcards, letters and gifts of concerned and generous supporters.
Would you help us to continue these important efforts? We rely entirely upon the financial support accepted from concerned believers who receive our publications. American Decency Association is an independent non-profit 501C3 corporation and is not an affiliate of or financially supported by any other organization.
Your tax deductable, confidential end of the year gift is greatly needed to start the New Year with adequate resources.
Please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association, P.O. Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412-0202.