Til Death or Discomfort: Ashley-Madison at it again

By: American Decency Staff

By Chris Johnson "'Til death do us part." These words have been spoken by millions of couples around the world who have checked out a thousand people, flirted, and dated and finally believe they have found "the one" – the one they hope to spend the rest of their life in love with. Unfortunately, the divorce rate today is around 50%, so half of those people change their mind as the years go by. What did those people do differently than the folks whose marriages last for the rest of their lives? What advice would those whose marriages last give to newlyweds? "Communication is the key." That's one I heard a lot at my wedding. "Build your marriage on God." "Don't become too obsessed with finances. Money is the leading cause of divorce" How about "Life is short. Have an affair?" That's what Noel Biderman, founder of AshlyMadison.com, advises. AshleyMadison is the website which peddles infidelity and encourages adultery as an option for the unhappily married. Biderman's average male client has been married for 4 years or less and has at least one child. He also suggests that a large percentage of his female clients have been married for less than a year. Biderman's excuse for tearing apart marriages is that “it is not in our DNA to be monogamous.â€Â He says he doesn't encourage cheating, he just provides the forum for it and “what’s wrong with giving people access to a community of like-minded people?â€Â Biderman is right about one thing. Unfortunately, it's not natural for us to be faithful. That is a mark of fallen humanity. But God calls us to fight against our nature to honor Him as we were created to do before the fall. But I don't think that's Biderman's point. His point is if it's not natural, why do we do it? Biderman's "don't shoot the messenger" excuse doesn't hold much water anymore. Biderman has hit a new low. Now, if a member follows AshleyMadison's guidelines and still can't find another adulterer who will cheat with him/her, Biderman will reimburse his client's membership fees. That's right, AshleyMadison.com now guarantees that they can help you shred your marriage vows. The ironic thing: Biderman made this announcement while he was in Australia reaffirming his marriage vows with his wife! Mazal Tov. I hope they have a long, trust-filled marriage. For further information: Adultery Website Founder Promises Sex or Money Back … While Renewing His Wedding Vows Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/offbeat/adultery-website-founder-promises-sex-or-money-back-while-renewing-his-wedding-vows-ncxdc-072611#ixzz1TL9boArD ========================================================= Register for our summer event featuring Gary Bauer, Friday, July 29, at 7:00 pm https://secure4.afo.net/ada/registration.php?eventno=28 ========================================================== Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/donate.php American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson

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