The Holland City Council (MI) was pressed last night by a few liberals to overturn their vote (5-4) against homosexual rights. Numbers of testimonies were heard. Below represents an expanded version of my statement before this council on this particular night. If you have watched old movies (30s, 40s and 50s), you know that the movie stars were big on smoking cigarettes. Smoking was cool. Just watch the way in which the movie stars of that era puffed on their cigarettes. However, as the years unfolded, it became clear that smoking was linked with cancer. Though the tobacco industry tried to dissuade that persuasion of thought, nonetheless, the evidence was too clear and the connection between smoking and cancer was irrefutable. Decisions were made in regard to educating and warning the public, including the Surgeon General’s Report, and the placing of the Surgeon General’s Warning on each pack of cigarettes. That decision made years ago continues today because the reality is what it is: Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to your health. In the 1980s, I recall well the emergence of the message of Mothers Against Drunk Driving as they passionately labored to educate the American public of the hazards of drinking and driving. Their efforts resulted in many positives including the reality that when police file their accident reports, they also identify whether drinking was involved in the accident/fatality, etc.. Driving under the influence (DUI) has severe implications for a driver found to have been over the limit. In 1996, I recall an article from the Washington Times, USA Today (January 1996) quoted by the AFA Journal stating: “America’s most powerful influence makers have intensified their public relations blitz aimed at convincing Americans that homosexual behavior is normal and, more specifically, that homosexual ‘marriageâ€Â should be legalized. In what USA Today has called ‘the gayest TV season in memory,’ network programmers – subsidized by well-known companies – have become more and more bold in their homosexual advocacy. ‘It is amazing to see two gay weddings within a month on two big sitcoms. It seems like they’re trying to push some buttons. Even in the gay community, a full-on same-sex marriage is a minority kind of thing,’ said Rob Greenblatt, executive vice president of development for Fox. ‘It is 1996, and little by little everybody has gotten a little less afraid of the old taboos.’ [Taken from AFA Journal, March 1996] So here we are in 2011 and we’ve all learned that we just don’t talk about the damaging, degrading, destructive impact of homosexuality upon the individual and culture. It’s not politically correct. Right? The tobacco industry fought back against the growing body of evidence as did the liquor industry. The liberal community also fights back (I contend) more effectively and significantly than the tobacco and liquor industries. Here’s how: The liberal community includes a high percentage of people that make up public education at all levels, the media (TV, movie, newspaper, magazine, entertainment), the current administration, public policy makers, educators. How can you argue against the facts regarding cigarette smoking and cancer, drinking and driving? How can you argue against the degrading, destructive impact that homosexuality brings to an individual, a family, a culture? The best argument that those affirming homosexuality have is silence and/or denying the facts which most homosexual advocates have mastered. Consider the following seldom heard facts. Facts, truth, evidence – remember are what helped our society see cigarette smoking for what it is: cancer-producing. The CDC recently released a report which was based on HIV testing of 8,153 homosexual men. The findings revealed that 19% of the gays in the study were infected with HIV and of that number, 44% were unaware of their infection. A 2006 CDC study estimated that of the 56,000 new HIV cases just in that year, 53% were the results of homosexual activity. The other means of contraction were heterosexual relationships and sharing needles for the use of drugs, which, incidentally is also more frequent in the homosexual community A CDC official, Amy Lansky, estimated at an HIV prevention conference in 2009 that the incidence of AIDS in homosexuals was 50 times higher than in normal sexual relationships. Just to wrap that all up, 1 in 5 homosexual men currently have HIV, although almost half are unaware and thus not being treated. In 2006, over half of the new HIV cases were in homosexual men. Finally, the risk of contracting AIDS is 50 times higher in a homosexual relationship than in a heterosexual relationship., which calls itself, “The Complete HIV/ AIDS Resourceâ€Â also reports that anal cancer is a very serious problem among homosexual men. 35 out of 100,000 gay men will develop anal cancer. The rate among straight men is 0.9 out of 100,000. Throughout the entertainment world, gay and lesbian characters are cast as smart, stylish, admirable members of society who are in faithful, loving relationships with their soul mate, who just happens to be the same sex as them. I know this is hard to believe, but what you see on TV isn’t necessarily true. There’s a reason deadly sexually transmitted diseases thrive in the homosexual community. The Agape Press reported on a survey released by a homosexual newspaper, The Advocate, in 2006 which revealed that the 28% of the gay men surveyed had had between 51 and 300 sexual partners in their lifetime. Another study by University of Chicago professors and reported by the Baptist Press revealed that over 60% of gay men in Chicago had over 30 sexual partners, with many having over 60. 55% of gay men in Shoreland, which the story calls the “gay centerâ€Â of Chicago, have an STD. Yet another report said that the average homosexual relationship lasts 1.5 years and includes around 8 sexual partners outside of the main relationship. [Taken from: In closing, some have said that the spiritual battle against holding off the homosexual agenda is not winnable. Perhaps it isn’t. But if it isn’t, in my opinion, it will be because we have come to a place in our culture where too many have now become dull to truth that though they could see that cigarette smoking caused cancer years ago - today’s adults and young adults ignore truth, facts and reality. They have substituted lies for truth. I hope I’m wrong. ============================================= We encourage you to register for ADA’s summer event and join with us in this rare opportunity to hear from one of the premier voices in the pro-family movement. Order Agenda – powerful DVD that has people stirred and motivated to share it with others. See: Agenda: Grinding America Down Donate online at: American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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