Somehow I doubt that whoever coined the phrase “children should be seen and not heardâ€Â had in mind what GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) is advocating with their annual “Day of Silence.â€Â Tomorrow, April 15, GLSEN is urging middle school and high school students all across the country to remain silent for the entire day as a sign of solidarity and protest against the perceived discrimination and bullying of homosexuals. However, it seems the goal of GLSEN’s “Day of Silenceâ€Â really is not so much about the bullying of homosexuals as it is about bullying those who dare to hold the view that homosexual behavior is what it is – immoral and sinful.  For a group preaching “toleranceâ€Â their agenda is to demonize those who don’t buy their propaganda that homosexuality is a normal lifestyle.  Those who are opposed to homosexuality are the ones they ultimately want to remain silent. And as Mission America reports, the National Education Association (NEA), which has great influence upon our schools, is in lock step with GLSEN. “The NEA has adopted numerous resolutions in recent years supporting homosexuality, same sex unions, and even "gender change." Its bias is well-established, and school curricula now reflect its strong-arm tactics in propagating only one acceptable viewpoint on this issue.â€Â It’s a rare child that can stand against the relentless pressure and propaganda that tells kids they are bigots if they have a moral objection to homosexuality. President Lincoln hit the nail on the head when he stated: “The philosophy of the classroom today will be the philosophy of government tomorrow.â€Â It’s sobering to think of the implications of that truth as this generation, being educated under the philosophy of GLSEN and the NEA, becomes tomorrow’s leaders. And that is why parents and the church need to step up even more to combat this indoctrination. We can’t hope our kids will somehow pick up our values through osmosis.  We need to take seriously the Lord’s command: “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.â€Â Deut. 6:7 And as Deuteronomy 4:9 reminds – grandparents, you have an obligation as well. "Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children— Notice both of these verses use the term “diligently.â€Â GLSEN is certainly diligent in its attempt to shape the values of our children. They would be happy to usurp that role away from parents. Don’t let them. ========================================================== Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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