SI Swimsuit opposed in the hearts and minds of many

By: Steve Huston

Here is an easy to use email link to express your concern to companies that advertised in this year’s SI Swimsuit Edition (see below). A number of advertisers have discontinued advertising in the SI Swimsuit Edition including: GM, Ford, Harley Davidson, Wolverine boots and many fast food restaurants.

Here are what some others are saying in their communications to corporations advertising in the pornography edition of SI.

** I have a special concern having minor sons of my own.  Please use discretion here and do the right thing. Especially for the sake of the next generation. I love sports, especially football and share this interest with my boys. This edition has nothing to do with sports at all.  Only inappropriate promotion of women as sex objects.  I don’t raise my sons to disrespect women.  I would appreciate you not encouraging it either.

**These ads are so offensive to everyone.  Pornography, is the only way to express what is in this magazine.  Please reconsider where you advertize and how.  American families, american people are at stake.

**Many of us as consumers are finding ways to get the message to corporations like yours, and the best way is to avoid purchase of your products.  Enough said.

**We are tired of our little girls being raped because of your pornography. We will not buy your products advertized in porno magazines.

**Again I remind you, you and your families have to live in the society you are helping create, as will your descendants.

**”Woe unto them that call evil good.” Isaiah 5:20 (“Woe” literally means cursed!)

**I am considering another car and I will not buy from companies that uses sex to advertise.

**If you sell a quality and worthwhile product at a reasonable price, you will not need to resort to porn to advertize it.

**I urge you to take the moral high ground. Stand up for what is honorable – and quit supporting pornography.

**Dear Friends and American Decency,

I am a 72 year old subscriber to Sports Illustrated.

I have 5 GRANDsons and 4 GRANDdaughters whom I love dearly and am concerned about the purity of their hearts and minds which are bombarded with images, songs and written material that are clearly pornographic!

I have written the following to the advertisers of SI:

“I am appalled that your company advertised in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.  This magazine is nothing more than a phony version of Playboy.  Its sole purpose is the pornographic exhibition of women for the pleasure of men.  You have helped empower a magazine that degrades, desensitizes, addicts and is lust-producing.

There are many others like me who do not appreciate companies that promote illicit sex.  Many of your competitors chose not to advertise in the SI Swimsuit issue.  That speaks volumes to me. I seek an apology and urge you to stop using your advertising dollars in ways that degrade women and are destructive to our families and society.

I have asked Sports Illustrated to NOT send me the “swimsuit issue”. They honored my request last year but this year ALL is silent. I will remain silent no longer and will not renew my subscription to SI and NOT patronize any of the businesses that advertise in this blatant pornographic so called “swimsuit edition”!

Everett, WA

As I mentioned in my letter above last year Sports Illustrated gave me the option (in print- in their magazine) NOT to receive the “swimsuit issue” and even extended my subscription to replace the issue I declined to receive.

This year SI gave me no such option and when I went to their website the option was there but “grayed out” so that I could not select it. Perhaps the edition had already been mailed to me as it was on Monday, February 14th that I attempted to decline the magazine.

I immediately wrote to SI asking them NOT to send the swimsuit issue to me. To date I have not heard from SI about my request.  I will report the results of my efforts and IF I hear from SI or any of their advertisers regarding their pornographic “swimsuit issue”.

I will also make a donation to American Decency and ask my children to do the same.

Keep up the good work you do!

Click on the link below to express your concern and urge these corporations to not associate their name with Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.

Take Action! Click on the link below to contact the advertisers that empower Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine.


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Bill Johnson, President
P.O. Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
ph: 231-924-4050

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