Consider this statement “Our sexual mores in large part determine our society’s destiny.â€Â When I break that down further and apply it to my life (or now more currently) to that of my children and/or grandchildren, it greatly catches my attention. I want what is very best for them. THE VERY BEST!  I want health, wholesomeness, vitality, peace, love, faithfulness, goodness, honesty, honor, decency, salvation in Christ. I know that a few wrong choices along the way will destroy all of that. Is the best for them homosexuality, adultery, fornication, bisexuality, etc.,  God forbid! Our Father in Heaven IS the way, the truth and the life. He provides the standard. When we abide with Him, He abides with us. Outside of Him is ultimate degradation and death. Powerful commentary from David Kupelian, managing editor of from an article entitled “America on the Brink.â€Â “… It’s no accident that this nation has flowered more than any other in world history. But that didn’t happen, my dear ‘libertarian-leaning conservative’ friends, because the founding generation resented government, wanted lower taxes and wanted to be left alone. No, America flowered because it was steeped in a faith-based morality and a love of freedom that were wedded together into a rare and priceless alloy the world has never seen. This is exactly what Alexis de Tocqueville, the famed French political philosopher, found when he toured America during the early 19th century when the republic was young and vibrant – and not yet infested with ‘progressive’ termites boring away at our institutions and faith. In ‘Democracy in America,’ published in 1835, Tocqueville described with admiration and astonishment what he observed during his travels here: ‘The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other … Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more did I perceive the great political consequences resulting from this state of things, to which I was unaccustomed. In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom pursuing courses diametrically opposed to each other; but in America I found that they were intimately united, and that they reigned in common over the same country.’ If America’s unique magic was combining, as Tocqueville said, ‘the notions of Christianity and of liberty’ to produce the greatest nation in history, today’s libertarian-conservatives seem to have lost sight of half of that winning combination – the God part – vainly imagining that freedom alone is the answer. Yet the libertarian utopia – live any way you want, even if includes being a drug addict, having abortions, frequenting prostitutes (all of which libertarians want legalized), so long as it ‘doesn’t hurt other people,’ and yet somehow we can still manage to be citizen-sovereigns ruling over a small, responsible government – is every bit as fatuous and illusory as the utopia that socialists forever dream of. Neither has existed, nor ever will. For as we all know deep down, there is no lasting freedom without adherence to, as Jefferson put it, ‘the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.’ Or as William Penn warned, ‘If man is not governed by God, he will be ruled by tyrants.’ Thus, in today’s grand morphing of Reagan conservatism into libertarianism, we simply kid ourselves into thinking an immoral society can be free. In modern America, sex is no longer sacred or even respected. Premarital, extramarital, homosexual, promiscuous, bizarro – it’s all just a ho-hum part of everyday life, exactly like in the ancient world that preceded the Judeo-Christian sexual revolution. Consensuality has become the new morality. We’ve lost our sense of righteousness and sin, of spiritual life and death.  … Many of us, I am afraid, have lost our deep inner sense of morality God imbued us with at birth. We have been desensitized, confused, influenced – brainwashed if you will – by the non-stop subversive messaging of a smart, sophisticated, but at root godless and mocking, culture. …â€Â [Taken from Whistleblower, November 2010, “America on the Brink,â€Â by David Kupelian] As the article above concludes, Kupelian draws the conclusion – rightly so – that what is at stake is our very civilization. It seems increasingly unlikely that we hold back the tide of the liberal godlessness, and if we can’t, what is at stake is far more than when whether or gas prices reach $5.00 a gallon or which party controls Congress or the Presidency. There is a point of no return. For further consideration: Agenda: Grinding America Down – A must see DVD: “Liberty and Tyrannyâ€Â authored by Mark Levin To stand with us financially: American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050
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