Gary Bauer coming soon to West Michigan: “For Such a Time as This”

By: American Decency Staff

We are privileged to have Gary Bauer to challenge and encourage us. When:   Friday, July 29, 2011. 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm Where: Fremont, Michigan. First Christian Reformed Church 721 Hillcrest Avenue What:    “For Such a Time as Thisâ€Â – featuring Gary Bauer Dessert Reception following the event Cost:    Adults – $ 10 per person. Free admittance for children and youth under age 18 For more information or to register call: 1-888-733-2326 or go online at: Read these quotes from Gary Bauer.  Bauer speaks passionately and with urgency: Quoting: [End of Day, Gary Bauer, 6/24/11] Same-sex "marriage" is coming to your town and every American community coast-to-coast if Barack Obama is reelected. How do I know that? I know because of the kinds of judges he appoints and because of what he said at a fundraiser last night in Manhattan. At that event Obama told hundreds of homosexual activists that while his views are evolving, "…if you keep up the fight, if you will devote your time and your energies to this campaign one more time, I promise you we will write another chapter in that story." In other words, give Obama a second term and the next chapter in Obama's evolution will be the imposition of same-sex "marriage" on every state in the country. Quoting: [End of Day, Gary Bauer, 6/23/11] Obama Still Doesn't Get It Amid growing concerns about high gas prices and a double-dip recession, the Obama Administration, in coordination with other nations, announced today that up to 60 million barrels of oil would be released from emergency stockpiles. Half of that amount, 30 million barrels, is coming from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Oil prices dropped quickly on today's surprise announcement of more supply. My car, just like everyone else's, runs on gasoline. Just like you, I am happy when the price goes down. But the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was not meant for price manipulation. Today's decision is just one more example of the Obama Administration "winging it;" going for political expediency over sound policy; short-term "highs" that leave us with hangovers later. To begin with, today's decision should clearly put to rest any lingering assumptions about the economic success of the Obama stimulus boondoggle. If the economy were humming along, as we were promised it would be by now, we wouldn't be releasing oil from the emergency stockpile. "Shovel-ready" sounded good in February 2009, but today the unemployment rate is higher and we're another trillion dollars deeper in debt. Oil prices are up because of instability in the Middle East, where Obama's policies are clueless at best, and frequently counterproductive. For all the hype about the "Arab Spring," a recent poll out of post-Mubarak Egypt finds that Osama bin Laden is nearly twice as popular as Barack Obama. The Libyan intervention was supposed to take "days, not weeks." Little has been done to stop Iran's nuclear program, and today Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "If we do want to make a bomb, we are not afraid of anybody." And why should he be? Obama just announced that he is leaving Afghanistan no matter what the situation is on the battlefield. Of course, he didn't put it that way, but that was the unmistakable signal to the rest of the world in last night's White House address. Today, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told members of Congress that Obama's withdrawal plans are "more aggressive and incur more risk than I was originally prepared to accept." If the world's thugs perceive that America is burned out and in retreat, the world will become a more dangerous place. ============================================= We encourage you to register for ADA’s summer event and join with us in this rare opportunity to hear from one of the premier voices in the pro-family movement. Order Agenda – powerful DVD that has people stirred and motivated to share it with others. See:  Agenda:  Grinding America Down Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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