Eyes for higher things – voices against smut

By: American Decency Staff

There will always be those who have the intestinal fortitude to speak out against pornography at the local grocery store  – such as Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. If you are a person or family who is not indignant over possessing an SI Swimsuit Edition, there is something spiritually wrong. Here are a few voices of those who have eyes for higher things. The messages below represent a large core of individuals who wrote to advertisers in this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Email #1:  A former pornography addict I am so strong in my message, because at one time I was a pornography addict.  It ruined my life, because I only lusted towards women.  I never thought of them as persons, but, rather, as objects for my pleasure.  How demented is that?!?! Now I am engaged to the girl of my dreams!  She is incredible…and one of the most beautiful things about her is her modesty.  I still struggle with lust at times, but respect and true love for my fiance and women in general is what I now have.  Please stop ruining the lives of men and women by promoting the terrible poison of pornography that the SI swimsuit edition truly is…let's call a spade a spade! Would you want your daughter or sister or any woman close to you to be portrayed in such a terribly lust provoking manner?  I think not. Thank you for your time, and I am hoping and praying that you will hear the voice of a man who truly was affected very negatively by pornography.  Women deserve dignity!!! Sincerely, D.S. Email #2:  Special concern for own sons I have a special concern having minor sons of my own.  Please use discretion here and do the right thing. Especially for the sake of the next generation. I love sports, especially football and share this interest with my boys. This edition has nothing to do with sports at all.  Only inappropriate promotion of women as sex objects.  I don't raise my sons to disrespect women.  I would appreciate you not encouraging it either. Email #3: Boycotts companies that advertise in the SI Swimsuit Edition I choose not to purchase any products manufactured by companies that advertise in the SI Swimsuit Edition.  Choose the moral high ground and do not spend your advertising dollars on this edition.  Families deserve better, both our daughters and our sons. Email #4:  A mother’s sincere concerns I’m aware that most checkout lines/stores have these magazines totally in sight of everyone including children. I’m also sadly aware that it contains such vulgar images, some of the most vulgar images I’ve seen. I find it to be extremely distasteful and sad that nobody can walk in a gas station without being forced to see these images being directly in your face. I’m at a breaking point with this as are several others. We can’t stand that our children are exposed to such racy images. I would at least prefer them be in a discrete area of the store where customers choose to view it, instead of passersby being forced to. At this point, I cannot even go in the gas stations without being upset, and without seeing it. I expect better. I have completely stopped shopping at two stores due to the way they perceive women; as toys, objects, nothing more than a man’s play things. Make no mistake, I’m not perfect. I do enjoy nice things such as lingerie, but I choose to be discrete about it the way it should be, between two people who love each other, in private. I am sure that these images send the wrong messages to our younger generation. I have refrained from writing on the subject until today when my 10 year old son said he had seen a naked woman and she looked different from other women. I do not want my children growing up to see women as play things at their disposal. I could go deeper into the subject, but for now I just want to sincerely ask that you do something about it. I trust that you will make the moral decision on this matter.  I’m sure these magazines could easily be taken down or made no longer visible to the people passing by.  … Warmest wishes, Trenton,GA Email #5:   Public porn proliferating material … I also speak for my children, whom have little choice when they are exposed to your public porn proliferating material.  Enough is enough, stop fueling a crime against humanity!!! I seek an apology and urge you to stop using your advertising dollars in ways that degrade women and are destructive to our families and society….NOW!!!!! Email #6:  Pornography is NOT victimless Little wonder that a 13 year old boy, sexually assaulted and murdered a two year old girl in Whitestone last year. This constant bombardment of ads and pictures like that in the Swimsuit issue completely fry the minds of young men. How many children will die because of your stupidity and greed? Email #7:  SI Swimsuit can and does lead to pornography addiction I have grandsons in sports and I prefer that they not be exposed to porn. If your company and the others that advertise in this edition would withhold your ad dollars it eliminates exposing so many kids to porn. Some will become addicted because of this exposure. Disappointed L.C. Email #8:  Will not purchase from companies that advertise in SI Swimsuit I have 4 GRANDsons and 2 GRANDdaughters whom I love dearly and am concerned about the purity of their hearts and minds which are bombarded with images, songs and written material that are clearly pornographic! I will take the additional time to research companies I make purchases from. Companies that advertise in SI and the like, I will not be sharing my business with. I will urge others to do the same. It is not too late to express your concern to the advertisers in SI Swimsuit Edition: Click on the link below to express your concern and urge these corporations to not associate their name with Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Take Action! Click on the link below to contact the advertisers that empower Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine. https://americandecency.org/take_action_form.php?msg_id=89 Does God Really Care What I Wear? **How do I live Christianly? **How do I pursue holiness in all areas of life? **What is appropriate attire? What is not? **Should the church remain quiet in addressing modesty for fear that an unbeliever would be "turned off" and away from the gospel? A resource that we believe has a very positive impact in addressing these questions, and many more, is Nancy Leigh DeMoss' booklet,  "The Look – does God really care what I wear?" She also has produced via her radio broadcasts a series of cassettes and CDs that carry the same title. To order online: http://secure4.afo.net/ada/store2/index.php?route=product/category&path=26 Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/donate.php American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. ====================================================

American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org

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