Children, porn and the NY public library

By: American Decency Staff

By Chris Johnson Citizens of New York City can, as always, be assured that their money is being put to good use. After all, the computers at the libraries that they paid for with their taxes are free to be used by any lonely perverts who wish to look at pornography – even if there is a child sitting right next to them. According to New York Public Library spokeswoman Angela Montefinise, "In deference to the First Amendment protecting freedom of speech, the New York Public Library cannot prevent adult patrons from accessing adult content that is legal." One woman, presumably a librarian, who writes under the moniker  Annoyed Librarian at had some good insight on this issue. "Some adults don’t want to see Internet pornography, and public libraries are the only place that those who disapprove of pornography have to see any. Bookstores and convenience stores and other places that sell pornographic magazines usually hide the covers. I see a lot of people working on laptops in coffee shops, and I’ve never seen anyone surfing for porn. The New York Post interviewed 14 year-old Julio Sosa, who said that it was not uncommon for him to see people looking at pornography on the library's computers. "A lot of the times, I see people watching pornography and stuff like that. The man right next to me today was watching naked women." This kid, at least, does not approve of the library's loose policies. "They shouldn't be allowed to watch it," he said. "You don't know if a minor like myself could be walking by." But from what Julio says, he is an exception to the rule. Not only does the library allow adult users to look at porn, but there are no real restrictions or consequences for children caught watching it either. "She [a librarian] comes over and tells them to stop watching it, but once she leaves, they just go right back to watching it." These computers even have filters, but it takes just a click of the mouse to disable them. This is just the latest in a string of library/pornography news stories. Last month, a Tulsa Oklahoma man, Frank Paul Cozzone, was arrested for possessing child pornography that he had downloaded at the local library in a crowded computer lab. Libraries like those in New York City should take note of that incident. What could a man turned on by child porn on the internet be tempted to do with the kid sitting next to him? If he gave in to that temptation would that be "freedom of speech?" Would it have any effect on the libraries' policies on internet porn? My guess would be not. In another recent library porn story, again in New York, a man watching porn on the internet was attacked by another guy who was waiting for the computer. The attacker was charged with assault. The pornographer was charged with… nothing. Explain this to me. If the man had exposed himself and been sitting naked in the library chair, he would have been charged with indecent exposure and had been labeled a sex criminal for the rest of his life. But because the naked people were on the screen instead of in the chair, it's perfectly fine. The First Amendment establishes that "Congress shall make no laws… abridging the freedom of speech." I would ask the New York spokeswoman and any other librarian in defense of these policies how providing an atmosphere where a pedophile can sit next to a child and look at porn relates to any act of Congress. This issue has nothing to do with First Amendment, because that amendment deals with federal law, not local library boards. Not to mention the groundless argument that looking at naked people is somehow equal to speaking your mind. Pornography:  Does it desensitize, degrade, addict and destroy?  Look around at our culture.  I think the answer is obvious. Obviously there are enough of “themâ€Â in influential places to keep the American Library Association guarding their terrain, which includes pornography, even though it leaves our children vulnerable. Politically correctness would have us become dumbed down and complacent.  Shame on us wherever and whenever this happens. As you and I speak up for decency (and against pornography) at the local library, we stand up for our precious children. Don’t give ground to the darkness of pornography! ****************** Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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