Abercrombie has acceded or have they?

By: American Decency Staff

First, an update on Abercrombie's response to the considerable public outcry. Many of the letters below express horror at the fact that A&F is encouraging young girls to abandon their innocence at such an early age. These kids should not have to worry about the shapeliness of their figure for a long time. They should just be allowed to be kids. Abercrombie has apparently acceded that point. They have, however, decided that 12 year olds should definitely be concerned about their breast size. Via the Columbus Dispatch: http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/business/stories/2011/03/28/abercrombie-bras.html?sid=101 " Abercrombie & Fitch has bowed to controversy over a swimsuit deemed inappropriate for young girls by raising the target audience for the garments to 12 and older. Previously, Abercrombie kids had been offering a spring line of bikinis with a padded bra that was being marketed to girls as young as 7. Abercrombie addressed concerns about the swimsuit with a posting on the company's Facebook page, which said, 'We've re-categorized the Ashley swimsuit as padded. We agree with those who say it is best 'suited' for girls age 12 and older.'" Please join with the writers of the letters below and let Abercrombie and Fitch that you are not ok with their company ripping the innocence away from our youth. If we let this slide by, what will Abercrombie's next move be? See what others are saying about A&F’s new push-up bra for 8 year olds. Take action below: Email comment:  SO many of our young women are harmed today by the idea that less is less and girls that aren't big busted aren't desirable.  However, WHY promote this to 8-14 year old children/tweens who don't need this kind of pressure at such an early stage in their lives???!!!! Email #1 I am the mother of 3 girls, and after hearing of your new product, the push-up triangle, I will never shop in your store! Email #2 WE WILL NEVER SUPPORT YOUR COMPANY AGAIN AND WILL STRONGLY URGE ALL THE FAMILIES IN OUR SCHOOLS TO DO SO AS WELL!! Email #3 SO many of our young women are harmed today by the idea that less is less and girls that aren't big busted aren't desirable.  However, WHY promote this to 8-14 year old children/tweens who don't need this kind of pressure at such an early stage in their lives???!!!! Email #4 As a former high school teacher who dealt all day with girls, even beautiful girls, who feel that their value is determined by what your company seems to promote.  OFTEN WHAT YOU ARE PROMOTING IS FALSE AND UNREAL AND IS CAUSING PROBLEMS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Please be part of the solution.  PLEASE RETHINK YOUR POSITION.  I am extremely disappointed in what I see from A&F. I promise you I will join others in NEVER entering your stores again. Email #5 These little girls have only one chance at being a little innocent girl having fun one time in their life.  There is time in the future for them to grow up and your company to make money on them –don't exploit them now! Email #6 We as parents have had enough of your agenda to bring our little girls into the sick world of sexuality.  Enough is enough!  Our family will not purchase any clothing from your store until there is decency brought into your clothing lines. Our extended family and friends will also be informed about this so we can all quit shopping there until your managers/ purchasers/designers smarten up.  ENOUGH… LISTEN TO PARENTS FOR A CHANGE.. D.V. Company of over 200 employees all dedicated to boycotting your store until your promiscuity and sexualizing attitudes change. Email #7 Your company is so disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Email #8 Why would you create padded bikini tops for little girls? Young girls do not need to be thinking about body image and their sexuality when they are eight years old! It's very sad your marketing has stooped to this new level of indecency. Email #9 Your Push-Up Triangle Bikini is the last straw.  Count this family of six out from doing any further business with A&F until you re-think your advertising and cease from sexualizing young children. Email #10 You have got to be kidding!!  I have been boycotting since first becoming aware of the despicable advertising that you have stooped to.  I am going to continue to inform others as to your pornographic style of promoting your merchandise.  My grandchildren will not darken your doors. Email #11 I will never buys gift certificates to your company again, Lewisport, KY Email #12 Why?! What is your point? Let children…be children…this is nothing short of vile…truly reprehensible! Email #13 I have an 8 year old granddaughter and I find it not only offensive but repugnant and totally tasteless for your firm to make, let alone market, push up bikini tops for 8 year olds.   They are going to grow up soon enough and they don't have to be lured by your targeted marketing. Email #14: A push-up bra for eight yr olds—-you've got to be kidding me!!! Email #15: You might continue to get 1-2 % of the business from our 4300+ members, but, If I can gender their loyalty, that will drop to zero %, as I share with church members and friends this disgusting method of targeting children for "future pre-need" market conditioning. Please rethink the way you market your product for the sake of your corporate name but most importantly for the sake of our children and grandchildren. A Departed Customer, Tallahassee, FL., 32308 Email #16 As a dad of a 20 year-old daughter, I thank God she is grown and doesn't have to deal with the pressures your company is putting on kids these days. Is nothing sacred in the name of corporate wealth?  I can only assume that the people making the types of decisions A & F are making (e.g. padded bikinis for young girls) don't have daughter or their thinking would surely be different. Email #17 How sad!  As if it isn’t enough that your stores are selling clothing to help teens and pre-teens show off their most precious body parts you have now targeted little girls.  I'm absolutely sickened by the thought of an eight year old little girl wearing a skimpy bikini with padding to enhance her breasts! Please reconsider your advertising and little girl clothing lines.  We must protect our future which is in our children. At this point I would not shop in your store and I'll be telling others I think might shop in your store not to so that no more innocent little girls will be exploited. Sincerely, (mother of 5 year old little girl) Email #18: Let little girls be little girls! This is an already awkward age for them, without sending the message and the added pressure to measure up to some ridiculous ideal. These girls will inevitably draw attention from the boys that they are not yet prepared for. This is truly sickening to me! You can change the name, but the product you are pushing is really pushing the limits of decency! Express your disgust with Abercrombie by clicking on the action link below: Quick action link sends email letter to A&F: https://americandecency.org/take_action_form.php?msg_id=93 ================================================================ Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/donate.php Does God Really Care What I Wear? **How do I live Christianly? **How do I pursue holiness in all areas of life? **What is appropriate attire? What is not? **Should the church remain quiet in addressing modesty for fear that an unbeliever would be "turned off" and away from the gospel? A resource that we believe has a very positive impact in addressing these questions, and many more, is Nancy Leigh DeMoss' booklet,  "The Look – does God really care what I wear?" She also has produced via her radio broadcasts a series of cassettes and CDs that carry the same title. To order online: http://secure4.afo.net/ada/store2/index.php?route=product/category&path=26 ==================================================== American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson ===================================

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