A Review of TLC’s New Show, All American Muslim

By: American Decency Staff

By Chris Johnson TLC's new show "All-American Muslim" – where to start? The show, which premiered Sunday, November 13, follows five families in Dearborn, Michigan as they attempt to blend their Muslim tradition with the American lifestyle. With a title like "All American Muslim," TLC clearly is not following around a group of fanatic Jihadists who make bombs in their basement and kill their daughter when she leaves the faith. The point of the show is obviously to familiarize the American people with the Muslim faith – to give the often violent religion a kind and lovable face. The ironic thing is, if all Muslims were like these families, everything would be just fine and dandy. Muslims would not be feared any more than Jehovah's Witnesses – maybe even less, because Muslims don't go door to door handing out weird pamphlets. The problem arises when you consider that, while there are moderate Muslims who love this country and do try to integrate, there are plenty more who would like nothing more that to see "the great Satan" bow its head in submission to Allah or slide into the sea. Most of the families TLC selected to follow are not "hardcore" Muslims. In fact, one of the short, tight dress wearing Muslim women -Nadia – even mentions that "other Muslims might not think she is Muslim enough." She doesn't wear the traditional head covering, the hijab, because she doesn't "feel the need to express her religion through her dress." She also wants to open a club. That serves alcohol. Her business partner – she is a party planner – disapproves of her idea because she is a woman and traditionally women stay home with their family. She also notes that her mom would be "pissed." During the first episode, another Muslim woman – Shadia – wants to marry an Irish Catholic guy -Jeff – that she met at the bar she used to work at. (FYI, Islam does not allow alcohol, this is even noted during the show). If they want her father's blessing, though, he must first convert to Islam. The guy basically comes right out and says, "I'm doing this so we can all get along." The decision causes his mom more turmoil than it does him. Is that what's meant by "All American Muslim" I wonder? Someone who can change their system of beliefs on a whim to make his in-laws happy? This man's soon-to-be brother and sister-in-law are more traditional. His fiancé's sister wears a hijab and expresses disapproval of Muslim women who don't. His fiancé's brother shows some apprehension about his brother-in-law's conversion. "[You] can't convert and adapt it to [your]life… Islam is a religion and you either follow it or you don't." The show also follows the coach of a high school football team in the Dearborn area which he says is 95% made up of  Muslims. This fellow's family is more traditionally Muslim. His wife wears a hijab and his daughters started wearing one at the age of nine. During Ramadan, the football team practices at night, unaccosted by the ACLU, so that the state school can conform to the students' religion. They don't mention whether they pray to Allah at their graduation, though, so that's probably why the ACLU is ok with it. While there were some elements of this show that were somewhat alarming – i.e. a man being forced to convert to Islam to marry his Muslim bride and a public school following Islamic law – I'm not afraid that these families are going to bomb a stadium or a shopping mall. What I am afraid of is that people will look at these families who are trying to maintain aspects of their culture while becoming a part of America and will forget that, while these may be perfectly warm and fuzzy people, there are many others who take the Koran more literally when it says "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them, (Quran 8:12)." Muslims who want to assimilate into American society, not change it, should be welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately there are many people of their religion who want to convert or destroy us "infidels." That's not bigotry. It's not racism. It's not prejudice -it's fact. And we can't afford to forget it. Take Action!  Contact the sponsors of All American Muslim by clicking on the link below. https://americandecency.org/take_action_form.php?message=131 ========================================================= Your support is important to our ability to make a difference. Donate online at: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/donate.php American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson

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