by Chris Johnson Over the past two years or so, the Tea Party Movement has gained a lot of momentum and influence in mainstream politics. With the election of Barack Obama and the passing of his controversial health care plan came the biggest conservative uprising since Ronald Reagan was elected. It took a lot of prodding from the liberal stick, but in this year’s midterm elections all eyes are on the Tea Parties. Before the Tea Parties, however, there were the Values Voters. That was the label stuck to those of us who would vote based on candidates’ stands on abortion, stem cell research, homosexual marriage, etc. Those were the big issues in the Bush/Kerry elections. As the Tea Parties have come about with their focus on fiscal conservatism and limited government, the Value Voters have been seen to be graphed into the newer movement, as their views are usually complimentary to each other. The problem, however, is that there is a vital distinction between the Values Voters and the rest of Tea Party movement. In my opinion, to vote with your conscience transcends voting for your own freedom or your own pocket book every time. To put it more simply the Bible will always transcend the Constitution.I know that seems like an obvious statement, but I know that it is easy for me, at least, in shouting myself hoarse demanding that our leaders follow the Constitution, to forget about the moral travesties being committed at the same time. One of the latest events that highlights my point is conservative radio host and columnist Ann Coulter and her acceptance of an invitation to speak at an event held by GOPride, a “conservativeâ€Â homosexual group. You may have heard of the ensuing argument between Ms. Coulter and Joseph Farrah, Editor of World Net Daily. Farrah confronted Coulter about the fact that she was legitimizing the homosexual movement by agreeing to speak at their event. I agree with Mr. Farrah. Ann Coulter is a very well known conservative thinker and her agreement to work with this group which claims to be conservative conveys that she recognizes them as such. But for me as a Values Voter and, more importantly, a Christian, it is not enough for GOPride to espouse a fiscally conservative platform while inherently discarding moral conservatism. The two must go together. I’ve used it before and I will use it again, my favorite quote from John Adams, “Our Constitution is made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.â€Â I don’t believe that “religiousâ€Â was a blanket description, either. John Adams was a very devout Christian, and at that point Christianity was about the only recognized religion in the United States. There was no Islam, or Buddhism. To not be religious meant to not be a Christian. Which brings me to another piece of news that concerns me to some extent. This past Saturday, Glenn Beck held his “Restoring Honorâ€Â rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this rally was noble and apolitical. It sought to honor America’s soldiers and bring her back to her religious heritage. The part that disturbed me was in an interview Bill O’Reilly had with Beck regarding the event. In the interview O’Reilly asks him to clarify his desire for the universal teaching of Judeo-Christian values: Bill O’Reilly: But there isn’t a theological component to it? There isn’t a right God or a         wrong god? Glen Beck: No! That’s why I had pastors, priests, rabbis, and imams! I think that’s dangerous. There IS a right God. I’m not saying that I want our government to legislate Christianity. I don’t want a theocracy. In fact, my complaint this time is not with the government at all. It is the idea that Americans praying to whatever god they choose will turn this country right-side-up that scares me. Glenn Beck has done an EXCELLENT job of teaching his audience about Christianity’s influence on America and about God’s blessing America. Why then turn around and say it doesn’t matter what god Americans pray to? All this is to say, the way we react to our government’s maltreatment is inconsequential when compared to standing for the Truth of God’s Word. And when the two intersect I’ll be there with a copy of the Constitution in my fist every time. But when the two camps separate we Christians must remember our higher calling.
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