The Superbowl and the Christian: The various points of view

By: American Decency Staff

The following email includes the various comments that came from two email prior to the Superbowl entitled (1) The Superbowl and the Church Click Here (2) The Superbowl and the Christian Click Here and, one following the Superbowl entitled: Superbowl ads: Another Perspective Click Here The first email comment (below) is in response to our action alert following the Superbowl where we called upon our supporters to contact Motorola for their advertisement using sexting to sell their wares: This person writes from Iowa: After talking to you yesterday about my contact with Motorola, I heard back from the Public Relations office.  The lady I talked to was very understanding about the feelings they have heard about the Super Bowl ad.  There must have been many phone calls if I translated her remarks properly. She told me that they will be meeting with leadership in the company to discuss the ad, its impact on the viewers, and gave me the impression that there will be something done to change the perception of Motorola in the future (damage control I think will be in full throttle).  I was thanked for making the phone calls, and every person I talked to in the company seemed to agree with our assessment of the impact on our society by that ad. They were all very polite and friendly.  What a difference from some of the companies I have called. I also mentioned to them that sexting is a legal crime, and that this could cause them legal and cost problems down the road if they didn't get proactive about a public apology, and making future ads more family friendly.  Personally, I was pleasantly surprised I got a call back, and hope that means that they are going to make this right.  I believe the conversation with the Public Relations department was very positive for us. God Bless, ADA comment. The writer (above) stated that Motorola had been receiving a large number of calls. A special thanks to each of you who took time to email and/or call Motorola. Email # 2: Likes to use a little sarcasm. Hey BJ, A super bowl commercial featured people in their underwear and that is "unappealing"?  Obviously, you are speaking from personal experience, lol.  Actually, I believe you've conditioned yourself to hate the human body (especially womens) to such an extent that your own sexual desire makes you physically ill.  Your wife is such a lucky woman. Oh, and yesterday's  Super Bowl was the most watched television show in history.  I see your boycott was a huge success!  Keep up the great work and I'll keep checking your site for laughs when I'm feeling blue, Take it easy, Email #3: Our Wisconsin writer weighs in with depth and godly concern Thankfully, I am not married to a sports enthusiast.  While we can sit and enjoy and occasional sporting activity either live or on television but it is not a part of our normal lifestyle.  Throughout the years, we have enjoyed the occasional Superbowl gathering of friends but its mostly the social aspect we've enjoyed and not the sport.  In the area where we live (WI) people take their football very seriously.  We have a little 9 inch portable TV that we set up specifically to look for the Focus on the Family commercial.  I have been appalled in previous years by endorsements so we decided not to allow our 14, 11 and 7 year old daughters to watch.  Muting just does not make it any less offensive.  The girls were watching a family movie while my husband and I sat with the little portable between our laps.  At some point, my 7 year old asked:  Momma, if the commercials are so bad, isn't it bad for you and daddy to watch them, ! too?  And if they are so bad then should any 'Christian" be watching them.  If the gate is narrow and we are supposed to be in the world and not of the world, doesn't it make us just like anybody else if we sit there and watch them and laugh at them as much as everyone else?  My other two daughters then piped up and expressed that they had wondered the same thing.  I admit, the same thing has crossed my own mind from time to time. Provoking food for thought out of the mouths of babes…. So many of our believing friends spend hours being involved in sports and yet, there is not one sporting event that isn't supported by some form of alcohol.  Barely dressed cheerleaders take the floor for 'cheering', secular music that brings NO glory to God blares in the background or on the television.  At some point, I guess we must ask if it brings glory to God and if it does not, why do we continue to compromise our walk with the Lord for the sake of sports and entertainment. Thoughts from Wisconsin. Email #4: Several felt that Careerbuilders needed to be contacted. We provide their address below: I tried to respond to Careerbuilder but there is no comment place on their website.  I called to leave a message and it didn’t work.  They and most are disgusting.  I watched to see the ad by focus on the family and was completely disappointed. Contact info for Career Builder Careerbuilder, Llc 200 N. LaSalle St., Ste. 1100 Chicago, IL 60631 Phone: 773-527-3600 Fax: 773-399-6313 Toll Free: 800-638-4212 President, CEO, and Director – Matthew Ferguson Jennifer Grasz (P) 773-527-1164 (E) Email #5:   A comment  that we sometimes hear regarding America’s spiritual decline Thank you so much for sending out this email!!!  We heartily agree about the worldly impression television shows (including half-time) and advertisements have on both, youth and grown-ups.  It is heart-breaking to realize that our society is pushing God out, and embracing low morals.–No wonder that God is preparing the influx of Muslims into America to punish our country, just as He used that same basic race to take Israel into captivity. A.K. Email #6: Takes exception to our narrow stand regarding the Superbowl but makes some very good points in a very gracious manner Bill, Who on earth sent you the above letter (from our February 4 email alert) and how on earth did he even see your essay on the Super Bowl????  His letter is not the language or attitude of a Christian, or someone who is concerned about Decency.  If he doesn't even believe in hell, he probably doesn't' believe in heaven, so what's the point if he of thinking you're a Christian?  And what's the point of him receiving your emails??  I can't believe he ever signed up to receive them.   I suggest you take him off your mailing list, since he has no concern for decency or the loss of souls to "the fiery pits of Hell – because it doesn't exist."  Then he'll have no reason to write sarcastic letters full of foul language.  Keep his name on your prayer list and pray daily that someone who can disciple him personally will come into his life.  I don't yet see evidence of a "heart for God and His Righteousness" in his let! ter.  He needs a personal discipleship to grow toward a full knowledge of the Scripture (hell included) and the necessity of salvation.  With the understanding of the absolute necessity of salvation and Christ's sacrifice comes a gratitude and wonder that leads us into a desire for the Heart of God.  Awe leads us to a desire for righteousness. I may not agree with your statement that Super Bowl parties don't belong in a church building (NOT in the worship center but in a fellowship hall or gym), but I certainly don't need to be insulting or crude.  We have sleep-overs, Sweetheart banquets, Dinner-Drama events, Game nights, and softball teams at our church.  We use all these to glorify God by "preferring one another" and to witness to visitors.   Several letter writers had good ideas on how to keep offensiveness out of the Super Bowl.  With today's DVR and TIVO options, a church group (in a home, gym, or fellowship hall) could begin the game 20-30 minutes late (maybe after worship) and skip all the commercials, half time, etc.  It would give Christians an alternative to the usual Super Bowl Party, which is very worldly. It provides for fellowship like a New Years Watch or a flag football game for teens, or a tea party for moms, or a breakfast/fishing trip for men.  It is a matter of opinion to me whether to view Super Bowl or not.  But I surely agree that it should not take the place of worship. Thank you for always daring to urge us toward holiness!. Email #7: “…There is a very fine line between making the church welcoming to the unchurched and keeping it a place of worship. …â€Â Thanks so much for your boldness. I can sense your passion for the Lord and for obeying Him in your message. I am sure it was hard to write, but it needed to be said. I was both convicted and challenged by it. After reading some of these letters, it reminds me of this verse: 2 Tim 3:12 "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" It took courage for you to include other opinions in your email, but it shows that you are not trying to shove this down anyone's throat, but that you care about others, the Lord His church. You make some excellent points in your email. I was a huge sports nut. I played many sports, watched them, and became consumed with them. Many years ago, the Lord showed me that sports was an idol for me. Even as a Christian, sports were often more important to me than God. Ouch! This was really hard to take. The Lord has slowly helped me to change in this area. I still enjoy sports, but they are no longer an idol. Thankfully, I rarely get really angry and down anymore when I lose on the court or when my team loses on TV. I am no longer a slave to sports. I am free. Jesus is indeed my Lord, and I am victorious through Him! There is a very fine line between making the church welcoming to the unchurched and keeping it a place of worship. It makes me think of Paul when he wrote: 1CO 9:19 Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. Then, Paul goes on to talk about running and finishing a race. For several years, I have coached several sports teams at a local church. They have a wonderful sports ministry that brings unchurched kids in from the neighborhood and presents the gospel to them. I believe this is an example of becoming like them in order that some might be saved. Because we live in a sports crazy society, I believe the church can use sports as a tool to share the message of Christ. In regard to the Super Bowl, maybe churches should consider this. Instead of hosting a party at the local church, encourage church members to host parties in their homes. Include a few other families from the church, too, and invite neighbors and friends. Have the church prepare a relevant and powerful message, maybe even a video, for halftime. It could be the testimony of a well known Christian athlete. I believe that blotting out the commercials is a great idea. God's Word tells us that we become what we think about, and we can become tempted by what we see. So, maybe a group like athletes in action could provide some two minute video testimonies from other well-known athletes. Thank you so much for serving the Lord. May He bless you greatly. Indianapolis Email #8: predicting the Lord will come on a Superbowl Sunday I'm betting the Lord's second coming is going to be Superbowl Sunday- I just don't know which one-but certainly an hour when most think not-The Son of Man Cometh. Email #9: So many are obviously de-sensitized to the ads and probably into p*rn and don't get it. These ads are crude and disgusting Wow. I amazed at the people here cannot see the truth in what you are saying. The sexy ads probably don't bother them as they are obviously de-sensitized to the ads and probably into p*rn and don't get it. These ads are crude and disgusting. I personally love sports but our family have talked about the ads and we change the channel. My husband saw nothing wrong with the ads or anything sexy with a "little skin showing" well we discovered he had a secret life and a "s*x addiction" that has not only cost him his marriage, but his family, I don't know how many jobs, and now has been living on the streets with floating from job to job as he can't leave it behind. The media focuses on the cheerleaders and my kids 16, 19, and 22 are very careful. My son saw the fall of his stepfather and knows the dangers of the flesh. He actually controls the channel changer and at the first sign of the camera scanning or the start of a commercial we are gone. Half time we stopped watching long ago. I believe the Superbowl can be used to promote Christ, blocking ads. I kind of wonder if the advertisers would put all the money in the ads if we ALL turned the channel and boycotted the ads and they knew it! I sure wouldn't pay for an ad if I knew people were going to change the channel and I tell you I DO boycott the companies that advertise using filth and trash. Email #10: Missouri Thank you. You have made some profound points and the Church should heed this principle in many areas. Thank you, Email #11: Need to go a step farther – counsel for all of us — Dear President Johnson: I greatly appreciated your comments regarding watching the Super Bowl in a House of worship, but, I would go one step further. I do not believe Jesus Christ would consider the watching of, or participating in, any sporting events anywhere a proper Sabbath day activity. While many will scream and yell about even suggesting keeping the TV completely off on the Sabbath, they would be well advised to follow the commandments and not their own personal wants and desires. When the Lord commands us to keep the Sabbath day holy He does not simply mean we should skip the commercials that we don't like. He means that we should only be focused on those activities which glorify Him and His Son Jesus Christ. Family time could be spent reading the scriptures together and sharing our testimonies with one another along with many other wholesome activities as opposed to gathering around the "big scream" TV to root for athletes, many of whom do not even hold the same religious or moral values that we who truly love our Savior do. Those who would say that this attitude is just a little bit too Jesus-Freaky for them would probable also think that going to the local tavern on Sunday to watch the super bowl would be just fine as long as you don't get drunk, but then again, what would just a couple of beers hurt, after all Jesus drank wine. I think you get my point. If you truly love the Lord and wish to do your best to emulate His example, record the super bowl and have your party Monday night. Or is that asking too much of a sacrifice for someone who sacrificed His very life for us? Sincerely, Email #12: If only we had more like this young pastor and father of 3! I whole heartedly agree.  The holiness of God is under attack.  Tuesday morning in our staff prayer meeting God broke me into tears over lamenting the status of our country and even our church.  I preached to our teens on Wednesday night that in order to have and keep a clean heart we must

  1. Have a high view of Scripture – Psalms 119:9; John 15:3
  2. Have a holy view of God – Isaiah 61-8
  3. Practice Biblical confession – 1 Jn 1:9, Isaiah 6:1-8
  4. Follow Right & Flee wrong – 2 Timothy 2:20-22

Today I read in my devotions of what Micah saw in his nation and it echoes what I feel is happening in our culture and church. Micah desired to see fruit for all his labours in planting the seed of Scripture and truth in people’s minds, but he saw none.  He could not trust anyone v. 5.  Family relationships were turning sour even to the point of family members becoming enemies v. 6.  However, his choice was that he would look to God and God would hear him. Micah 7:1-8 1 Woe is me! for I am as when they have gathered the summer fruits, as the grapegleanings of the vintage: there is no cluster to eat: my soul desired the firstripe fruit. 2 The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net. 3 That they may do evil with both hands earnestly, the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward; and the great man, he uttereth his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up. 4 The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity. 5 Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom. 6 For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house. 7 Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. 8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me. Email #13: Affirming Great word, Bill!  I agree with you completely. Email #14: Broad is the way that leads to destruction You are right on with your comments. We as Christians have become so desensitized that we will use any means to evangelize. Scripture says that broad is the way that leads to destruction and many go in there at while narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it. Keep speaking up for holiness and reverence. Bellingham, WA Email #15 shocked I’m surprised at some of the messages.  How did they get your emails?  If they read them, that is a good thing. Are you saying that the Super Bowl will be played in churches? I remember I went to a church on Easter Sunday a few years ago; I had just moved to Colorado and was looking for a church.  There was a potluck where the service had been held.  The pastor’s wife brought out a deck of cards after we ate and wanted to play cards. I could not believe this. Email #16: Make good out of the Superbowl with the help of God Dear Bill, In the past Family Life Today has offered a superbowl half time program for evangelizing everyone at the superbowl party.  In a large setting or even in the living room it can be planned to turn off comercials or Why not have christians contact the FCC with regards to offensive commercials shown and boycott the advertisers themselves. Law suits against offending advertisers could send a good message as well. I am a native of Indianapolis.   Coach Tony Dungy former Colts coach and superbowl champion is a very strong christian role model as is Peyton Manning. Coach Caldwell. the Colts coach this year is a man to be admired.  To boycott the superbowl this year would be losing out on an opportunity to evangelize not to mention Pro life will be advertising  with the Tebow story. Sometimes we need to take the muck the world gives us, find the good buried in it  and ask God by his grace to magnify it.  He did it on the cross, he can do it with the Superbowl. He takes death and out of it brings life. Blessings, Email #17: An Arizona pastor Bill, As a man who has spent 54 years preaching a "no compromise" Gospel I say you hit the mark squarely on the dot. I John 2:15 tells us. "Love not the world, neither the things of the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.â€Â We can rationalize all we want to about the "good" mixed in but the Bible is the only true authority on such matters. As a young Christian I was taught that places of worldly entertainment were to be avoided and somehow my psyche managed to remain intact. Bill in Ar. Thanks for taking the time to write and to stand with us in these financially difficult days. By the grace of God, we continue on. To make a donation: Online: American Decency Association P.O. Box 202 Fremont MI 49412 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. =================================== To Unsubscribe send an email to: – indicate unsubscribe in subject line. ———————— American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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