The fight against indecency? How about you?

By: American Decency Staff

I have often said if we don’t win the battle against indecency/pornography at the checkout counter where can we win it! It has been my view that with all the money that we spend at our local grocery store we should have some measure of clout. Show the manager your shopping receipt from the last couple of weeks. Then urge the manager to at the least put covers over the Cosmopolitan types of magazines. I received this letter from a supporter of this ministry yesterday. A person caring so much for the impressionability of children that they want to remove magazines bearing erotic messages and images from their eyes at the checkout! Opposing what is evil and loving hungering and thirsting for righteousness is pleasing to our Lord. Quoting Lansing, MI friends of this ministry: My wife and I ended our walk at Lansing Mall by stopping in at Barnes and Noble asking for the manager. She was young, probably in her thirties, and much to our delight we had a pleasant conversation with her. I thanked her that Cosmopolitan is not with the larger display of other magazines, but is located in a smaller display at the check-out counter. (Am I naïve here? Maybe it gets more exposure there.) After pointing out the offensive titles on the cover, I asked if she had ever thought of covering them with brown paper. She responded that they do not do that at the store, but she would check and see if their supplier would do it. We had a brief conversation how children don’t miss anything, so to speak. I learned as a teacher that if something is going on in the building – for example, a teacher resigning – the kids know all about it before the rest of the faculty does. How do they do it? I don’t know. But my point was that teens and pre-teens are sharp and alert, and this is very bad material for them. I’m going to watch for the December issue to see if it is indeed covered. I close with this quote from a book entitled “Holiness by J.C. Ryle: Ryle says that faith is the root of holiness but that there is a race to be run as well: “That faith in Christ is the root of all holiness; that the first step towards a holy life is to believe on Christ; that until we believe we have not a jot of holiness; that union with Christ by faith is the secret of both beginning to be holy and continuing holy; that the life that we live in the flesh, we must live by the faith of the Son of God; that faith purifies the heart; that faith is the victory which overcomes the world; that by faith the elders obtained a good report – all these are truths which no well-instructed Christian will ever think of denying. But surely the Scriptures teach us that in following holiness the true Christian needs personal exertion and work as well as faith. The very same apostle who says in one place, ‘The life that I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God,’ says in another place, ‘I fight,’ ‘I run,’ ‘I keep under my bod! y’’; and in other places, ‘Let us cleanse ourselves,’ ‘Let us labour,’ ‘Let us lay aside every weight.’ (Gal. 2:20; I Cor. 9:26,27; 2 Cor. 7:1; Heb. 4:11; 12:1). …â€Â As Christians, are we doing what we can not only personally but in the marketplace when we may be that one voice that can make a difference . ======================================================= A classic resource available as short supply lasts: “The Holiness of Godâ€Â by R.C. Sproul. To order your free copy, email Many of you took advantage of our offer regarding the book “The Pursuit of Holinessâ€Â by Jerry Bridges. This is what Jerry Bridges has to say about this book offer “Every Christian who is serious about his or her growth needs to read ‘The Holiness of God.’ I profited greatly from this book.â€Â ======================================================= American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 ———————— Donate online: American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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