Reflections on reprobation and America

By: American Decency Staff

I’ve had quite a ring side seat since going into the full-time work to combat pornography back in June 1988. I’m reviewing that history as we develop this powerful video summary of this work. Interviews on MSNBC, CNN, Fox and local stations covering our stand against Stern, Abercrombie & Fitch, opposing NYPD Blue, indecency at the checkouts, etc. One thing, though, that is crystal clear and has been since the very beginning is the vast desensitization of Americans.  Small wonder with the ratcheting up of more intense levels of indecency, pornography and obscenity. It should break our hearts but the natural human condition is one of accommodation like the classic illustration the frog in the kettle. Those who are apart from the Savior and His power to overcome, choose the offerings that are plattered before them – like sheep we are drawn astray.  That’s what the Bible says. The remedy is Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the cross to set us free from the hold that sin and the devil have upon the natural man. As we  truly receive Christ as Lord and Savior, His Holy Spirit unites with our spirit and the veil of darkness is removed and we have eyes that can see and receive His wisdom and His grace enabling us more and more to hunger and thirst for His righteousness. Things look very bleak in the world and in America today.  Yet, there will always be His remnant.  Broad is the way that leads to destruction.  Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life. Do you know Him?  Do you have the power to overcome the darkness both here and eternally?  His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him.  What a gift is salvation.  Not by anything we have done (believers) but by His grace. Only two weeks until our July 30 event –which will be a time of challenge and encouragement.  Included in the evening will be a powerful message from our featured speaker, Pam Stenzel.  Also included will be a DVD presentation displaying the battle, our victories, and most importantly giving tangible evidences of God’s amazing grace and faithfulness. New people are registering every day with a few hotel rooms yet available.  It’s not too late to register. To register or for more information call 231-924-4050 or email Your support is important to our ability to make a difference: donate online at: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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