Onward and upward

By: Chris Johnson

What a beautiful fall we are having here in Michigan.  To leave the office on a late afternoon weekday and enjoy the beauty of the moderate temperatures, the gentle breezes and the beautiful autumn colors, brings a special depth of gratitude for the preciousness of life from our Father in Heaven.  By His grace, He has helped us through another summer season. However, as we brace for winter winds, the winds of change are also upon us during these tumultuous times.  We look ahead to an election and pray that those elected will reflect the principles and ideals on which this country was founded.  However, our hope does not rest upon government, but upon God.  God's will is unfolding as He ordains.  He is in control of the nations, our politics, our very lives. While we don’t know what tomorrow, or next month, or next year will bring, today, and every day, we must be faithful to the calling God has given us.  Here at ADA that calling is to be an agent of salt and light.  What a blessing to be God's instruments for service.  However, we can’t do it alone; you are needed to stand with us! With this calling, the Lord has supplied in miraculous ways – through individual, sacrificial gifts.  What a God we serve!   One of those evidences is through a friend of this ministry that has stood with us so faithfully.  We received the following email from this individual with an offer of support that also includes a challenge to you, our readers. The offer states: I know your ministry continues to struggle as many are.  We would like to try to help again.  We will match any new or increased gifts given from 8/1/10 through 12/31/10 up to a total of $15,000. A new gift is any amount given by someone who has not given in 2009 or 2010.  An increased gift is any amount given by an individual that exceeds the amount the person gave in 2009 (you would add all 2010 gifts  from an individual and all 2009 gifts from that person and we would match the excess amount of 2010). Please let me know if you any questions. May God richly bless you and your family and your ministry. *********** We want you to know we are committed to the long haul in this ministry.  Nonetheless, no ministry can have a vital impact without continued growth and development.  No ministry can grow in its influence without the addition of new members and people with new invigoration to get involved, support and to sacrifice. There are numbers of people receiving this email who care deeply about this ministry and the concerns that we focus upon, yet who remain on the sidelines in terms of their financial support. Others of you have given faithfully and generously to this work.  Words can never adequately express our deep gratitude.  By God’s grace, we need your continued help, make no mistake about that.  However, we now need more than ever before a solid core of others to prayerfully stand with us as faithful supporters to help empower us to move onward and upward as we do our best to engage this fallen culture with the calling God has given us. Are you a person that cares deeply about God’s call “to pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord?â€ÂÂ  Have you sometimes thought “I appreciate American Decency and I need to do more financially for them?â€Â  This match challenge is meant for persons like you.  If you give to ADA for the first time, or if you have not donated since the end of 2008, or if you give more this year than last year (i.e. if you gave a total of $200 last year, and you give more than $200 this year) the effects of your gifts between now and the end of the year will be doubled!  May God touch numbers of you to join hands with us financially in faithful and significant ways. Thank you for responding to our need and helping us to continue to proclaim Christ and His righteousness to a sinful generation. Please help us meet this Match Grant goal!    Donate online by clicking on the following link: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/donate.php Or send a gift to: American Decency Association PO Box 202 Fremont MI 49412 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. ======================================================= A classic resource available as short supply lasts: “The Holiness of Godâ€Â by R.C. Sproul. To order your free copy, email bjohnson@americandecency.org Many of you took advantage of our offer regarding the book “The Pursuit of Holinessâ€Â by Jerry Bridges. This is what Jerry Bridges has to say about this book offer “Every Christian who is serious about his or her growth needs to read ‘The Holiness of God.’ I profited greatly from this book.â€Â ======================================================= American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 https://americandecency.org/ http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson ———————— Donate online: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/donate.php American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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