Lovers of the dark

By: American Decency Staff

Those who live in the dark, welcome anything that promotes, that justifies their darkness.  So it was no surprise six years ago when Desperate Housewives premiered that it received rave reviews from media elites.   It was praised for its so-called edginess.  With storylines that glamorized bondage and sex between adults and teens, and displayed more cleavage than a Victoria’s Secret commercial, Desperate Housewives was lauded as ‘ground-breaking.’  And so it continued for six years of the same and now the premiere last night of a seventh season.  While six years ago it may have been seen by the entertainment industry as breaking new ground, the hole that has been dug over the past six years is nothing more than a sewage pit. While media critics and reporters have moved on to acclaim newer shows that affirm the licentiousness loved so much by the dwellers in unconstrained darkness, the producers of Desperate Housewives, desperate as well – for ratings, continue to push the envelope.  The show’s creator Marc Cherry stated about this new season:  “The secrets get darker, the action juicier, and I’m going to try and make it sexier.â€Â Really??  “Sexierâ€Â than sex with minors and S&M?   That is what Hollywood does – push the limits further when what once was shocking no longer is. Keeping that pledge, the show opened last night with a storyline of one of the housewives taking part in online porn to bring in extra money for her family.  This wife and mother of a young child joins an internet scheme where she poses and parades in skimpy lingerie in front of a webcam for broadcast over the net.  Of course these images were provocatively shown on last night’s episode.  Not only are the images concerning, but also the message sent – especially to female viewers – legitimizing porn, planting the idea that there is nothing wrong, nothing degrading about displaying one’s body as an object for lust.  The same lies told to lure young women into the strip club industry. We spoke out against this culture-eroding show in 2004 when it premiered and for every season since.  And as a new season premieres we will continue to do so. Desperate Housewives may have been accepted by many in society, but the messages sent are anything but acceptable!  At least they shouldn’t be to anyone who claims the name of Christ.  We are called to shed light on darkness and that is what we will do. We urge you to take a moment to contact the sponsors of Desperate Housewives, encouraging them to not align with the degrading themes of this show. Take Action!  Click below to contact the advertisers: ======================================================= American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 ———————— Donate online: American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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