On March 26, we wrote the email alert “When contacting advertisers makes a differenceâ€Â We wrote:  “Let me be right up front with you. We find no joy in monitoring the trash of television shows and offering commentary on them! Case in point – Family Guy’s last Sunday show (March 21): “Terry Shiavo, the Musical.â€Â   Those that empower this trash need to hear from you otherwise they think nobody cares and they become increasingly careless in what they sponsor. The shows we choose to monitor are particularly hurtful and degrading. That’s why we monitor them and find the advertisers – so that we can let you know to try – at the very least – to slow down the flow of this trash. I received an email from a person whom I highly regard who stated the following. I then follow it with my response: I really have mixed feelings on this issue because no one is immune to the effect of eyes seeing wickedness. I understand the need to be aware of the pollution of our culture, I just don’t know where the balance is. This is a tough one. Hard questions for me include, What makes one person more immune to this than another? Is there a way to see the advertisers without seeing the show. You can pretty much assume that all television shows today are the devil’s playground. This is definitely the devil’s territory. I agree with your strong urge to turn the television off in the home or use Netflix or something like it where you can choose what to watch. I appreciate all you are doing for America in this regard. I am just not sure I could take the daily exposure that your staff faces in this area. I struggle with this as well at times. There are so many questions surrounding this issue: To watch these programs and report on them or to avoid looking at them completely. We were the major ministry responsible for driving Howard Stern off the terrestrial airwaves. We were sending upwards of 1,000 letters to advertisers every month. Over 15,000 advertisers withdrew from advertising on the Howard Stern Show. One of the major strengths of our direct letters to advertisers was giving direct quotes from Stern’s daily show. It was disgusting and advertisers knew then that they would not look good in the public eye if they were sponsoring such filth. Recently, we gave details regarding Fox’s Show “Family Guyâ€Â as it disgustingly aired a piece mocking Terri Shiavo. What a degrading piece that was! As a result of our specific reporting Denny’s withdrew their advertisement and they are saying they won’t be sponsoring this program going forward. In addition, I personally had an excellent conversation with Sprint regarding Family Guy. Their ad was not on the show last Sunday.  We’ll continue to monitor this situation. These are some of the preventative measures we take, etc. : (1) I would not let just anyone monitor shows like Family Guy, American Dad, Cleveland Show, Desperate Housewives, etc.. (2) No one person is doing this daily, (3) The individual doing this is a strong Christian, (4) usually it isn’t a male as males are much more visually oriented, (5) Praying for God’s help and protection before you begin. Scripture:
There is much that I could say about each passage above as it relates to my life and to my daily pursuit of holiness and to this ministry. The Christian influence (salt and light has been woefully weak for generations) regarding the media and its influence. There are pastors – many – that seldom to never say anything regarding God’s hatred relative to pornography, obscenity and indecency via television, movies, the Internet, etc.. It is the devil’s playground. There are untold numbers of people who say they are Christians watching programs that are displeasing and dishonoring to God. When I once spoke regularly at churches, I would often name specific programs without naming specific content.   There was no question that some/many were being convicted (a seldom used word – by the way). I was making a distinction between the holy and the profane.  Ezekiel 26 “they have not taught the difference between the clean and the unclean.â€Â All too true today! To the question “What makes one person more immune to this than another? I would say that great care does need to be taken. In speaking with one of our staff members she basically gave similar thoughts to what I have expressed above before I even shared with her my point of view. However, a number of years ago a godly part time staff person asked to be released from this role as it was causing her to despair. Open and honest communication is important so that a person knows they don’t have to do this difficult part of the ministry. Also, demonstrating that this work is spiritual warfare and not just anybody can or should be engaged in it! To the question: Is there a way to see the advertisers without seeing the show? Yes there is and often that is what we do unless the person monitoring is seeing that special light needs to be shed upon a particular show as in the case of the Fox “Family Guyâ€Â regarding Terri Shiavo. Corporations, without being confronted with specific examples, would not be apt to withdraw their advertising support of particular programs like the Howard Stern Show, for example. Of that I have no question. However, in saying all of what I have said above what do I do with: “I will place no evil thing before my eyes?â€Â This is the most difficult concern for me because couched in all of the spiritual battling that takes place in addressing the issues that we face surrounding the profane is that verse. God has led us into this ministry and through years of filth and the profane, and yet – by His grace – we have been strengthened in our spiritual walk.  We call out to Christians to “pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. – warning and exhorting against the profane and encouraging God’s people to pursue the pure. Very, very few are doing this work today for good reason. Without God’s amazing grace, keeping us from falling into despair, cynicism, ungodliness, we would not be able to continue. =============================================== Your support is important to our ability to make a difference: donate online at: https://secure4.afo.net/ada/main.php?f=donate/display9 American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050 www.americandecency.org http://www.twitter.com/billwjohnson
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