Fox: Hold their advertisers accountable – see for yourself

By: American Decency Staff

On our Facebook page recently I had a couple of ladies ask “Why do you monitor such trash?â€Â They were referencing our reporting on last Sunday’s Fox Show “Family Guy.â€Â One commented I don't understand why one of your staff "monitors Family Guy"??? We are not supposed to view evil, we are to abstain from it. Family Guy doesn't claim to be righteous. Of course they are going to produce obscene material. Maybe the staff should quit watching it? Another stated: I agree with you … ! The show doesn't claim to the least bit Christian and we all know it's no good so why even watch it? And as for Fox not much good comes out of there. Our response was as follows: … , thank you for being concerned! Believe me our staff would love to be done with this filthy show. Unfortunately, it would be ineffective to try to fight our enemy blindly! We accomplish much more when we can tell our readers exactly what makes this show filthy rather than just saying that it is a bad program. One of the main efforts of the ADA is to try to inform the show's advertisers that the programming they are advertising on is not something that they should be aligned with as a company. Often when we show them examples like this one they will agree with us and drop their support. Also, we often find episodes that can be reported to the FCC for legal action. They rarely take that action, but we can at least show them that it is still an issue with some of us. We encourage concerned Christians like you to use these examples in the same way to get these foul shows off the air waves. Thanks for your comments! We  review these programs to shed light and to be salt. “Family Guyâ€Â is animated which makes it ever more insidious. I think of the millions of households this trash is beamed into weekly.   Can you imagine sitting and watching this mocking of Terri Shiavo for enjoyment? Where is the outrage? Where is the heartache? Why does a program like this have the viewership of anyone? Where are the activists? Have you contacted the advertisers? If you need evidence of how repulsive this scene on “Family Guyâ€Â was, we placed a short clip of the episode that we entitled: “Fox’s Family Guy: Terri Shiavo: The Musical.â€ÂÂ See the clip at the right on our website at: Then I again urge you to send emails to the sponsors of this wicked show at: List of the advertisers includes: Sprint, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Yum Brands, Cadbury Adams – Dentyne Gum, Microsoft … ==================================================== Pass this email on to your list – please. Let others know and urge them to take action too! Your support is important to our ability to make a difference: donate online at: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412ph: 231-924-4050

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