Does it matter what you think? Does it matter how you vote? What really matters?

By: American Decency Staff

The daily wranglings continue. The left vs. the right.  The liberals vs. the conservatives.  With each election (particularly the presidential election) the lines become increasingly drawn.  The stakes become higher.  Division grows. When the Democrats control the Presidency and their policies are unfolded, a new momentum occurs within the party not in office.  And vice versa. Is it possible to stop this or avoid it?  There is so much at stake. The thought of a society governed by liberal policies is frightening:  pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, same sex marriages, socialized medicine, cap and trade, global warming agendas, a leniency on terrorists in regard to whether they are tried in a civil or military court or even how they can be interrogated – even after they have killed American soldiers or thousands of innocent civilians. Conservative policies are at least less loathsome as compared to much of the liberal agenda. With the advent of the various high-powered communication tools (television, Internet, blogs, emails, twitter, cell phones, etc.) that are now fully in effect, the division seems to increase weekly. So much information.  So much debate.  Such strong differences of opinion even within families – even close families. Does it matter what you think? Does it matter how you vote?  What really matters? In recent months, we have had grandkids (4 and nearly 2 years old) and our youngest daughter living with us.  Not that I needed the reminder, but it doesn’t hurt either.  Ideas DO impact greatly. What is said or not said does make a difference to the youngest of children.  Ignore bad attitudes and behavior and more of it will arise.  Be a bad example and watch them emulate it. Read good books and discuss it with them and good things happen.  They will develop good listening skills and the ability to sit longer and be attentive and polite. So much more can be said about this not only in regard to young children but in regard to teens, young adults and people of all ages. If godless values and policies more and more prevail, a culture is shaped in that direction. Think of the vast majority of television programs that flood our airwaves and make their way into tens of millions of American homes each and every day.  Think of little children even those aged as my grandkids (2 and 4) sitting there hearing and watching the various images and themes of show after show like:  Family Guy, American Dad, the Cleveland Show, Cougar Town, Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy and the list goes on and on. Does it matter what you think? Does it matter how you vote?  Does it matter what you believe?  What really matters? Here’s what the late, great Dr. Francis Schaeffer said on this question from his book: “The Great Evangelical Disaster.â€Â Your support is important to our ability to make a difference: donate online at: American Decency Association Bill Johnson, President P.O. Box 202 Fremont, MI 49412 ph: 231-924-4050

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